
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption this Photo: How not to Move a Car on a Train

Caption this Photo: How not to Move a Car on a Train

This photo had our mind reeling with possibilities of awesome captions. We should give you some background info first, though. No one was hurt in this accident. In fact, no one was even in the Cadillac. It was on a trailer full of other Cadillacs that was obliterated by the train you see in the photo. This sedan was lucky enough to hang on for the ride.

In terms of mechanical fights, train versus car is the most unfair match-up you’ll find. It’s like a tank hitting a tin can. That Cadillac probably weighs less than the cow catcher on the front of the locomotive!

You know the drill, think up some awesome captions and drop them on us! We’ll start it out.

After Thomas the Tank Engine lost his show, he turned to snorting coke and eventually, Cadillacs.

Car versus train, train wins again

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