
the car junkie daily magazine.


Congressman Has Introduced A Bill That Would Ban Red-Light And Speed Cameras

Congressman Has Introduced A Bill That Would Ban Red-Light And Speed Cameras

Colorado Represenative Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) has apparently reached and exceeded his tolerance of speed and red-light cameras, which he views as a revenue stream for the municipalities that utilize them and little else. His bill, H.R.950 (Prohibiting Automated Traffic Enforcement Act of 2015), which if passed, would eliminate the law enforcement use of speed cameras and red-light cameras nationwide, with the exception of school zones and construction areas. Considering how accurate the toll cameras are on C-470 (the new loop road around Denver metro), Perlmutter’s agitation against the cameras is certainly well-founded.

The use of such automated devices have sparked debates nationwide. In 2010 the city of Phoenix, Arizona did not renew a contract with Redflex Traffic Systems for the continued use of their automated speed cameras, which became national punchlines after the driver of a rented Hyundai was clocked doing 147mph on his way to work in 2006. Many view the cameras as an absolute nuisance, while their proponents claim that they are instrumental in reducing speeding and accidents while relieving police forces of the burden of additional officers.

(Courtesy: Autoblog)

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10 thoughts on “Congressman Has Introduced A Bill That Would Ban Red-Light And Speed Cameras

  1. John T

    aw send him to Australia… we have more cameras than you could shake a stick at. There was a local hero the night before they rolled them out in my city ( Adelaide, South Australia). This guy had an old Bedford truck and he spent all night running the new cameras over. Only one got a pik, a view up the side of his truck as he drove over it.(this is also how they figured out it was an old Bedford) Never did catch him, either…

  2. ColoradoKid

    Yeah … well anyone who thinks for a moment that anything Perlmutter says or does has even an iota of influence or effect here in Colorado or elsewhere has been imbibing a little too heavily in the 420 scene . Either that or they really do believe ” 2+2=5 ”

    Suffice it to say … the man is an ass … only surpassed by the Tea Party/NeoCon/NeoFacist idiots on the other side of the table .. which is to say this post amounts to ;

    ” Much Ado About Nothing ” .. at all 😉

    As far as agitation towards Traffic Cameras I say …. deal with it ! Its the assholes continually putting everyone else at risk by their stupid irresponsible driving habits thats brought the cameras into being … and its those same assholes and their driving along with all the other factors involved that’ll bring about even more ! The cameras are here to stay and will only increase in numbers and usage … guaranteed !

    So say hello to Big Brother … only unlike ” 1984 ” ..its not a government conspiracy thats bringing it about …. but rather as ” Brave New World ” said …. we’re on our hands and knees begging for it

    As far as any Libertarian ideals that may or may not be being intimated by this article … all I’ll say to that Mr McTaggert is Grow Up – Smell the Manure Pile [ you may of helped create ] … and start facing the cold hard facts of reality rather than living in some ‘ Star Trek ‘ fantasy that’ll never come about . Left to his own devices … Mankind will always do the worst thing imaginable … even to himself

    1. roger

      We should put cameras in everyone’s homes too, you never know when some f***head might break the law. Heck, let’s start with YOUR house…

  3. HotRod

    All government surveillance cameras need to be ban. It’s none of their business what were doing.

    The red light and speed cameras are only there so the cops can spend more time in the doughnut shops. Ban them and make the cops work for their money again.

  4. Munger

    These cameras will probably persist until the point that we’re all riding in electric driver-optional cars. By that point, near-field communication devices will signal the car to cut power on approach to the intersection/another car/the In-n-Out drive thru/drag strip gravel trap. Steering wheels? Gone.

  5. mike

    Growing up around Chicago every one knew old man daily was crooked but it was always undercover. Now Chicago is so greedy that they don’t care if anyone knows there stealing from every one who goes there. The red light camera . parking. Other taxes makes you feel like a cartoon character being shaken up side down til everything thing you have falls out of your pockets into theirs . its a nice thought to get rid of the dam cameras . but I just don’t see uncle Sam (big brother) letting go of a money grabber

  6. Whelk

    Red light camera do nothing but collect revenue. The only real effect they have on traffic is to massively increase the number of rear end accidents at stop lights. Only fools and communists support them.

    1. john

      Something we did right in the Garden State!!! Hey CK, go buy some pot just don’t smoke it and run a red light. 🙂

  7. roger

    We changed the law here in Ohio… you want traffic cams? Then you station an officer at EVERY camera! Problem fixed since no department can afford to do that.

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