
the car junkie daily magazine.


Time To Find A Wrecked Sportbike: This Lifted Lawn Tractor Needs To Be Finished!

Time To Find A Wrecked Sportbike: This Lifted Lawn Tractor Needs To Be Finished!

It’s the go-kart for an adult: a lawn tractor. The basis is pretty similar: four wheels, rear-drive, simple steering, and usually a small output engine providing just enough power to get the job done, nothing more. The difference? The go-kart is fun, while the lawn tractor is pure utility. One cuts corners, the other cuts grass. I don’t need to spell it out any further for you, do I? Here’s the thing: lawn tractors wear out as the years run on and eventually, get replaced with newer, more reliable units. That still leaves you with a frame and four wheels. What else is there to do with a lawn tractor besides scrapping it out? Say it with me, readers: HOT ROD IT!

Someone has already started with this Bolens unit…it appears to have already been lifted. Running a five-horse Briggs and Stratton mill, it drives now, so if you wanted to give your kids an early start on how to run something with four wheels, this would be an excellent trainer, but you know us. It needs more. The question needs to be asked, though: just how much more? One of Briggs and Stratton’s 27-horse V-twin mills would make for some entertainment, but we’re thinking a bit bigger. Like motorcycle bigger. What would you do with it?

Facebook Marketplace Link: Bolens Lawn Mower


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One thought on “Time To Find A Wrecked Sportbike: This Lifted Lawn Tractor Needs To Be Finished!

  1. Piston Pete

    This would be a retirement project I could get into (and maybe afford). Sportster all the way! I’m stoked ! ! ! Gotta go check WKY craigslist.

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