The bottle of happiness. Laughing gas. Instant horsepower. Nitrous isn’t a full-time power adder, but there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that it’s there for you when you need it. Not many things trump a good nitrous purge when it comes to the starting line head games, not much looks better in the trunk than a bottle well mounted, and nothing says “so long, radials, it’s been fun!” quite like hitting the button and unloading all the kits you are comfortable spraying into the engine for that instant kick in the backside. Leave it to the folks at NOS to have everything you need for spraying and praying, and the workers at Holley and MSD to piece together the kits that, when combined, make beautiful magic happen underneath the hood. From a basic cheater system to solenoids that will pulse as much displacement on demand as you wish and systems that allow you to modify and tune the spray from within the car, they’ve got you covered. Check out some of their wares below, and be sure to check out their websites for the parts you need!