(Photos by Ashley Howard) – We have to throw a special thank you to Ashely Howard for providing the images we have used for the last few days featuring the best of the best at the Calgary World of Wheels. We have always worked hard here to showcase cool cars that readers will dig from all over the world. Whether we are talking about crazy burnout machines in Australia, interesting drag racing iron in England, or bad ass turbocharged street machines in South America we always want to maintain the perspective that the love of cars, speed, and horsepower is an international deal. Canada is been car crazy as long as we have down here in the USA and the know how to make the best use of their winter time to get stuff polished, upgraded, and fixed.
When cruising and outdoor time is on a limited window it is all about taking every advantage to enjoy your hobby and the things that you love. The indoor show season will start winding down around this part of the world in a month of so and after that it’ll be all outside all the time. Not just for us but for our northern bothers and sisters as well.
Thanks Ashley, this has been great!
Click the images below to expand them and then scroll to see ’em all!
Kind of ironic the uniquely Canadian market 1969 Beaumont SD 396, only got into a partial background shot. (pic 270)
1/2-3/4 of the cars in the show didn’t get any love on here. Lots of shots of the “show cars” you know the ones that get pulled in on trailers, pushed in and hauled away until the next car show and a few that run.
It was a decent show this year, and had some decent variety. The 6.1 gen 3 hemi with twin turbo stuffed into a gorgeous 66 Polara was missed, the 37 Ford truck that was the most detailed thing there, missed. The 2000 whp Twin turbo X275 Zephyr, Drag week Dart, 8 sec S10 all missed. The Boss 429, Every single import and a host of others didn’t get covered here either.
Its a car show, I would rather be driving, or racing, or watching racing. It was fun to be there however (our car club had a booth and I was babysitting a car all weekend). We will return next year, just as we have for the last 38 years.
PJ – I hear ya, not into trailer queens. Nice to see coverage at all, to be honest but I’d rather be driving. If there’s a Spring Thaw event, I’ll be there.