
the car junkie daily magazine.


Ohio Man Charged with Multiple Felonies For Trying to Sell 1965 Chevelle as an Authentic Z16

Ohio Man Charged with Multiple Felonies For Trying to Sell 1965 Chevelle as an Authentic Z16

An Ohio man is facing up to eight years in prison if convicted of the four different felonies he has been charged with in conjunction with an eBay auction of a 1965 Chevelle. The man was trying to pass the car off as one of the ultra rare Z16 models, of which only 200 were produced. The man went so far as to make a VIN plate, modify the cowl tag, and even doctor up the title to complete the appearance that the car was authentic. 

We have certainly heard of cars being doctored up to look like something they weren’t, but this is the first time we’ve really heard of someone facing jail time after being found out through an eBay ad. 

As you can see in the lead photo, the car has been showered with trophies, we’re presuming by car show attendees and judges who were hoodwinked into thinking that the car was authentic. If that is the case, the owner, who accepted all this stuff knowing full well the car is a fraud isn’t someone we’d want to hang out with. 

The charges faced are, tampering with records, possession of criminal tools, telecommunication fraud, and attemtped criminal simulation. 

There’s no word on who dropped a dime on the guy, but we’re guessing it was a disgruntled buyer.

(Columbus Dispatch)


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4 thoughts on “Ohio Man Charged with Multiple Felonies For Trying to Sell 1965 Chevelle as an Authentic Z16

  1. Yellomalibu

    Awesome. If guilty, I hope he gets the maximum! He can take his caveat emptor into his jail cell, as far as I’m concerned. I hate a fraud, liar, thief!

  2. rebeldryver

    He can go to jail just for screwing with the VIN and having a fake title. Remember how trouble that company in Texas who building Eleanors got into because they were transferring VIN tags off wrecked cars? This guy using the internet to commit fraud makes things worse for him.

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