The final engine of three! Yep, it’s Coyote time!
You read that right, three engines, same car, 4 weeks, three different events. And not just three different mopar engines. Nope, we’re talking about an LS, a Gen 3 Hemi, and then a Coyote Ford. Nothing about these is similar.
So here’s a little back story… When we started doing Holley’s Moparty event at Bowling Green Kentucky’s Beech Bend Raceway Park, an event that is happening this weekend as a matter of fact, it completed the trifecta of car events. Between LSFest, Moparty, and FordFest, we’ve got just about everyone covered with awesomeness. So when we started Moparty I said that I wanted to build a burnout car to run at LSFest, and then pull the engine out and swap in a Mopar for the burnout contest at Moparty, and then do the same thing for FordFest. Keep in mind that LSFest and Moparty are one week apart, and FordFest is two weeks later.
So everyone thought I was nuts, which is true. Except for Questionable Garage, who thought it was a great idea. But instead of doing just burnouts, he’s put together a 1970 Plymouth Duster that he’s going to compete in the Grand Champion Competition with. Grand Champion means you autocross, drag race, and also do the 3S Challenge which is like a drag race and an autocross had a baby.
The car made it to Holley’s LSFest last weekend and Monday it was supposed to get torn apart for the 7.0 stroker Gen 3 Hemi to go into it. We’ll keep you posted, but here are the first couple of videos of the build. We’ll have the rest coming as well!
Video Description:
This Episode Jared takes on the final challenge of installing the Ford Coyote Engine into the Plymouth Duster, and taking on Ford fest! Will all of the hard work pay off, and can they finish the insane feat?