
the car junkie daily magazine.


Roadside Find: A Geo That Needs To Be Nuked From Orbit

Roadside Find: A Geo That Needs To Be Nuked From Orbit

(By Bryan McTaggart) – If you had told me that I would ever feel sorry for a Geo Metro convertible even ten years ago, I would have laughed my ass off at you. I can appreciate the concept of the Metro sedans and hatchbacks…they were reasonably fuel efficient, cheap as hell to run and got you from Point A to B…eventually. The little cars have a cult following, and I have seen one modified one that could autocross very well.

The convertible Geo Metro was the worst idea in a long line of bad ideas that came out of GM in the 1990’s. Take an underpowered beer can, hack the roof off, and paint it in colors that even Liberace would cringe at. No, thank you times 1000. These little things  were rolling jokes as they left the assembly line. All that aside, I feel sorry for this little bastard.

It’s white…compared to yellow, aqua, and pink, so it’s a decent color. I’m sure it never intended to be the end result of an unholy orgy of JC Whitney parts . I’m not even sure which “modification” I hate the worst. I will say that if that’s a tow hitch under the rear bumper, the owner is delusional, since in stock form the Metro couldn’t pull a greased string from a chicken’s, well you know.

I wonder if 3M sent this dude a Christmas card, considering all of the tape on this Micro Machine?


(Photo credit: Andrew Packer)

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10 thoughts on “Roadside Find: A Geo That Needs To Be Nuked From Orbit

  1. ratpatrol66

    Driving a Metro is bad enough. With the cost of all the stupid add ons he could have got a better car.

  2. Al Von

    I’ve said it before: That thing looks like he called J C Whitney and said “send me two of everything!”

  3. Rick

    The Jack antenna ball is classic. It don’t need to be nuked,This is the type of car you want to see in one of those really slow car crushers.

  4. stir wrenching

    Keep talking Shit. But personally I think it’s cool to not look like everyone else even at the cost of a couple friends. Besides, in my mind that thing has a turbo busa motor

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