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Scrapple, The Late Edition: A Frying Pan, Pennies And Exploding Phones!

Scrapple, The Late Edition: A Frying Pan, Pennies And Exploding Phones!

LS Fest might have occupied the better part of the weekend, but if you think that the news stops just because a bunch of GM fans congregate in the middle of the corn fields, have we got news for you. Look, it might be a little late to the table, but this round of Scrapple is just as good as when it is first served. Just nuke it for 30 seconds, slather on the hot sauce and enjoy!

1. That’s what…maybe $10.70?



Ok, it’s actually less than that…drivers in Delaware found themselves being re-routed after a semi-tractor carrying tons of penny blanks drilled a Jersey barrier, spilling the loot as the truck burned. The truck driver was treated for minor injuries, while the guy responsible for cleaning up the mountains of blanks will be treated for a royal backache.

2. Should have written “Bang Head Here”. 


That’s a frying pan with the handle removed, bolted to a Mazda, in Australia. You know, the land of automotive tolerance and understanding…no, wait. Sorry, I’m wrong about that…what you are looking at here is, in the eyes of the local constabulary, akin to kicking a puppy in front of the Pope. The 32-year-old owner was charged with charged with driving unregistered and uninsured, driving a defective vehicle, removal of the defect label, altering the number plate and breach of bail.

3. This should end well…


Volkswagen Truck and Bus recently bought a 16.6% stake in Navistar. Let the irony of Volkswagen buying their way into the biggest diesel arena of the US market settle for a moment…

4. And just in case you needed a refresher on that joke…

vw beetle crash


James Liang, a former VW engineer based in Germany, has become the first VW employee to plead guilty to criminal charges stemming from the VW diesel nightmare. Liang pleaded guilty to violating the US Clean Air Act, conspiring to defraud the US and wire fraud, and is looking at five years in prison for his actions. Liang was a “key figure” in developing the cheat device for the Jetta.

5. That’s the only way your phone was gonna “blow up”.

cell-phone-fireOwn a Samsung Galaxy Note 7? Well, not only is the Federal Aviation Administration considering banning the devices on flights (and numerous airlines are going even further) while Samsung recalls the firebombs…er, smartphones, one unlucky fellow in Florida didn’t get the message in time. That would be his Jeep Grand Cherokee en flambé after he left the device in the car to charge for a bit. It’s too late for him, but if you have one of these things, power it down, don’t charge it and get in contact with Samsung ASAP.


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4 thoughts on “Scrapple, The Late Edition: A Frying Pan, Pennies And Exploding Phones!

  1. Gary Smrtic

    I, for one, am more inclined to buy a VW for their creative way of circumventing an over-reaching federal government. I know there’s no point now, but If I’d have known sooner, I’d damned sure have one!

  2. Scooterz82

    Navistar needs an engine that will pass emissions, their MaxForce line has almost bankrupted the company with recalls, warranty and EPA fines. VW makes Mann trucks and their engines have been compliant in Europe for years. Just going down the same road as PACCAR with european sourced power

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