A new survey conducted by the firm of Deloitte LLP and The Manufacturing Institute shows that Americans understand that industrial manufacturing is a vital part of the economy but also shows that the same people have absolutely no interest in manufacturing jobs or careers.
The results of the survey are interesting because on the one hand the people questioned seem to realize that without a strong manufacturing base the country puts itself at risk in several key areas, not the least of which is national defense. It’s interesting that they see it as more important than the tech and health care industries, two of the more “sexy” sectors of the economy.
What’s disheartening is the reaction of people when asked about careers or jobs in the manufacturing world. The results are extremely negative in the fact that those surveyed have an incredibly dim view of what manufacturing jobs actually are and seem to think that factory conditions rival those of the 1920s.
Long story short, we seem to love manufacturing, so long as someone else is doing it.
Read the story over at Aftermarket News.