Boost is boost right? Well, if you just look at the number, in psi, without any regard for when that boost is made, and how much airflow comes with it, then yeah I guess boost is boost. But in reality, there is more too it than that. With that said, any engine that you add boost to, and subsequently adjust the fuel and ignition parameters to take advantage of said boost, will make more power and more smiles than that engine without boost. It’s science, which is real. Real fun that is.
So in this video, Richard Holdener takes the GEN 3 HEMI engine and tests it with two different supercharger combos, and one turbo combo, to see which boosts best. They all make awesome power that will smoke tires for days, but which is better? Richard always gives the data on the combinations, the results, and the thoughts behind them, so you can learn something. And, if you are looking for recipes for guaranteed power numbers, then you want to watch his videos as nothing is kept secret. It is all out there for you to check out and learn from. So copy one of his engines and make big power!