In this episode, Karl makes a DIY power hammer from some sheet steel and a cheap tool from Harbor Freight. It’s like a Pullmax only smaller and Karl says it’s better than a bead roller! Check it out.
In a previous video he made a DIY shrinker and a stretcher, from scrap he had laying around. With these two tools you can curve flanges in both directions, and do some cleaner than the results you would get from a normal foot or hand operated shrinker/stretcher set from Harbor Freight or wherever. And it’s smaller and takes up less space! These two tools are awesome, and if you missed the shrinker being made, use the link below to check out that video too.
I know I could absolutely do the same thing with junk I have sitting around. I’m sure you can too. And if you don’t have scrap around, someone you know does! I am telling you that while I have been wanting to buy a shrinker and a stretcher, I think I’d start with something like this. Hell, if I decide I’m a shrinking and stretching master then I’ll think about getting something fancier. But I have to tell you, this is a cool tool that he designs, and builds right here in the video. I dig it and I know you will too.
I love shop made tools. Like LOVE LOVE LOVE them. It’s satisfying to build something that you can then use to build other things. You should try this one at home and see what it is like and if you use it.