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Turning A Railroad Track Into An Anvil! Simple & Easy DIY – Homemade Anvil

Turning A Railroad Track Into An Anvil! Simple & Easy DIY – Homemade Anvil

It is surprisingly easy to find pieces of railroad track to use for anvils and the like, and it has been a common use for them for a very long time. A railroad track anvil is a great DIY tool and one that you can customized to be exactly what you want and need for your garage or shop. I’ve never owned an anvil, but have beat on the end of a vice and other chunks of steel for long enough to know that I really want and need one. So this is going to be a project that I want to do at home as well.

In this video, you’ll see just how simple the process is for making your own anvil from a piece of railroad track.

Video Description:

As you might know from my Instagram posts, I’ve recently restored and cleaned my workshop. Under a lot of trash, covered in dust, I found an old railroad track. I had no idea it was there and obviously I had no use for it. For that reason I decided to make a small anvil out of it. I always wanted to have a small one. First I went online and did some research about anvils. After I had an idea how it should look like I started to cut it in shape with the angle grinder. I milled the surfaces flat after a rough shaping with the angle grinder and drilled a hole in it. If you don’t have access to a milling machine, you could also grind the surfaces clean with an angle grinder. Having the top surfaces finished I was able to start shaping the horn. First I cut of the biggest pieces with the angle grinder and then I started to shpae the horn. Rough shaping at first with the angle grinder, then smoothing out with a file and then sandpaper. To remove all the rust I decided to give it a quick sandblast. If you don’t have access to a sandblaster you could also remove the rust with a wire wheel or just grind it all clean with the angle grinder. For rust protection I used cold bluing. I then sanded all the functional surfaces clean again. This also gave the whole thing a nice touch and some contrast. I’m more than happy how it turned out and I can’t wait to start using it on future projects.

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3 thoughts on “Turning A Railroad Track Into An Anvil! Simple & Easy DIY – Homemade Anvil

  1. 6POINT6

    Thats nice but I’ll never have that much free time and I don’t know anyone else who does either.

  2. Randy

    You want to make a real anvil out of it? Weld a piece of leaf spring to the top to give you a hardened surface.

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