
the car junkie daily magazine.


Welding Tech: How To Build A CertiFlat Modular Welding Table From Start To Finish

Welding Tech: How To Build A CertiFlat Modular Welding Table From Start To Finish

I’ve been drooling over welding table designs of all kinds for the past couple of years actually. And while I’ve built my own welding tables from scratch before, and might this time, I have also been looking at and drooling over all kinds of modular welding table kits. The ones from TabandSlot.com, that you can find at WeldTables.com, are amazingly bad ass. They are insanely well built, really easy to assemble, and available in all kinds of sizes with all kinds of options. Not only is this a great platform for welding pieces that you want to stay flat or perpendicular, but also because they holes allow for a really simple and trick fixturing system to be used.

By creating a table that allows you to fasten materials, create jigs and utilize fixtures, the gang at TabandSlot have come up with a welding table that is wonderful in it’s strength, simple in it assembly, and precise in it’s execution. And we love it.

I’m jealous of the gang at Weld.com who are putting one together in this video, because I want one of my own for the shop. I mean who wouldn’t? We can see this being a really useful piece of equipment for our shop and yours.


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2 thoughts on “Welding Tech: How To Build A CertiFlat Modular Welding Table From Start To Finish

  1. Mike

    I have 2 24×36 block tables on the way with legs and castors. They have a discount for 15% going on now. Nice people to work with. Will probably order some wings later on. Prices on shipping not too bad to CA.

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