Breakin’ In: This Video Filled With Engine Break In Tips For Home Engine Builders Is Awesome

Breakin’ In: This Video Filled With Engine Break In Tips For Home Engine Builders Is Awesome

If there is a process that’s not as well understood as it could or should be when building an engine, it is the break in procedure. This video from the crew at Total Seal Piston Rings is spectacular because we have two experts spitting truth, tips, and more in a well reasoned and explained manner. Lake Speed Jr. from Total Seal and Don MacAskill who is a world renowned engine builder are the hosts and the guys covering the reasons, the procedures, and the guidelines for properly breaking in an engine.

So often we just really spend our time talking about the camshaft but the reality is that there’s more happening in there than just the cam. Of course breaking in the rings and getting them properly seated and sealed is vitally important.

The best part of this video is that it is specifically aimed at regular hot rodders building engines at home who don’t hav access to a dyno. You CAN and you SHOULD get your engine broken in right. Here’s how to do it.

Press play below to see this great video filled with engine break-in tips –

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