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Fun Video: The Postman Pat Guys Debut Their New Motorcycle Powered Mini-Slingshot! Bad Assery To The Fifth Power!

Fun Video: The Postman Pat Guys Debut Their New Motorcycle Powered Mini-Slingshot! Bad Assery To The Fifth Power!

The bitchin’ little Postman Pat van that we have showed laying waste to Mustangs and other respectable road going vehicles is a perennial favorite here in the halls of BangShift. We know they love it all over England because the machine has achieved cult status both there and here. Well, not content to rest on their laurels of building just one smallish wrecking machine our pal Tom Armitage and his wacky band of mates have raised the ante and built a slingshot dragster that is about half the size of a normal one and uses a Kawasaki ZX9R motorcycle engine for power. The engine is mounted horizontally so it is technically a “sidewinder” front engine dragster. The guys played the exhaust angle perfectly, creating two pair of exhaust pipes that each snake around their own side of the engine. It sounds boss and as you’ll see during the test launch at the tail end of the video, the Kawasaki engine certainly has some nuts. The little dragster roasts the tires while the engine angrily screams away.

The boys plan on debuting the half pint slingshot next week at the strip in Avon, England. We have no idea what it will run, but it should scoot pretty well and by all rights it should hammer the numbers that the Postman Pat van has thrown down. We’re pretty sure that the bike engine is worth between 130-150hp, the whole car has to weigh a couple hundred pounds tops (sans driver) and it is wheelie bar equipped. That’s a good thing because on a prepped strip, we’re guessing this thing will jump right up on that bar.

Consider this your teaser video and look forward to next weekend when the mini-digger from hell arrives at Avon with the sole purposes of dropping jaws and dropping elapsed times that scare all of the “big” cars away. We wish like hell that we could be there!


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7 thoughts on “Fun Video: The Postman Pat Guys Debut Their New Motorcycle Powered Mini-Slingshot! Bad Assery To The Fifth Power!

  1. Will66

    Cool, I love the exhausts it’s running, gives it an authentic look. I wonder if this will run in the Wild Bunch series?

    1. Tom Armitage

      You don’t need to spend a fortune building a dragster, If you do all the work yourself like we have you can build them on a fairly tight budget, In my opinion some of the nicest slingshots around have been built on a shoestring in some guys back yard or in his little workshop, You don’t have to have the most expensive or fastest FED to have fun. Its basically just hot rodding, You build it with what you have like they would have done back in the 60s. One of the cool things about a slingshot is they don’t have to go fast to be cool.

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