We have had a pretty broad selection of cars that have come and gone at BangShift Mid-West ever since we moved into the place a few years ago. We have our late-model machines that are fuel-injected, sorted, and haven’t pitched a single fit. We have had one older EFI car with the Dirty Cougar, which ran surprisingly well for a car that slept for a decade but could use some upgrades and lookovers. And we’ve got our carbureted cars, the Mustang and the Imperial, and the fondly-remembered Cadillac limo, that had problems in the heat. All of them did. When the Imperial was in daily-driver rotation in Arizona, one hot summer day would be the difference between the car starting and the car cranking all day long in the afternoons. The Mustang will straight-up refuse to start if it gets hot enough and the Cadillac would start to cough, choke and bitch when it’s temperature climbed past satisfactory.
I’m sure that there are plenty of calls for each car to be fuel injected. The Mustang might see a form of EFI at some point down the road, maybe. The Imperial? Never. So long as that car is still in one whole piece, it will be as technologically advanced as a hammer for what I care. And that means that I’ll still be using a fuel system that was essentially designed in the 1950s by Chrysler technicians, from the camshaft-driven fuel pump to the Edelbrock that drip-feeds the good stuff to the 360. That also means that something needs to change for the Imperial to tolerate high-heat, high-humidity days in Western Kentucky. Any of you have problems like I’ve seen? Let Uncle Tony offer up some advice on how to bypass fun issues like vapor lock and fuel percolation!
The return fuel line back to the tank is the solution. I had the worst fuel vapor problems until I added a wix filter with the two outlets and a return line. When I drive from Ohio to Bonneville in my 1969 Mercury the first time I spent a lot of time on the side of the road. Going out west the octane and alcohol and altitude all add to the problem. I do restrict the amount of fuel going back to the tank with a set screw with a small hole drilled in it. Without a restriction it was pumping too much back to tank. I was concerned I would run out of gas on the top end. Last year I again drive out to Bonneville and ran 165mph with no fuel related problems.
part# wix 33041 3/8 inlet
33040 5/16 inlet
Need the part # WITH the orifice in the return outlet.
And the part # WITHOUT the orifice in the return outlet.