
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Owner Of This Grand National Experiences The Highest And Lowest Feelings In Less Than A Minute!

The Owner Of This Grand National Experiences The Highest And Lowest Feelings In Less Than A Minute!

We can argue for eons on all of the things related to hooning in public, but at the barest minimum, one thing we cannot emphasize enough is that there is always a time and place for it. If you want to get stupid on a backroad somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Nevada, where nobody is around, that’s one thing. Taking your Buick Grand National behind the hotel and ripping off a massive burnout in the parking lot is something else altogether…and with that one poor decision comes another: Situational awareness is your friend. You might want to have a quick look around before you do something that is no doubt as illegal as repaving the parking lot. Maybe if this guy did, he would have seen the officer on the bicycle and might have thought twice. Instead, this is the guy who got pulled over in a muscle car by a bike cop in shorts on a Huffy. Way to go, dumbass.

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6 thoughts on “The Owner Of This Grand National Experiences The Highest And Lowest Feelings In Less Than A Minute!

  1. loren

    Yep. Once (long ago) did a 180 in the middle of the boulevard, setting up a perfect entry into the 7-11 parking lot. What style! But when I checked the rr view mirror before getting out, it had the front of a police car in it. Yep.

    (eventually, infraction ticket only)

  2. Bob Boudreau

    My moment of glory wasn’t in a public space. Me and a buddy were leaving an abandoned airstrip that our car club was preparing to use as a drag strip. The road to the strip was a wide gravel one, and in a broad curve I laid onto in, drifting a bit and raising a lot of dust. Part way through the curve who did we meet but a local Mountie car. I just slowed down and stopped, waited for them to turn around and nail me. I actually got off with a warning, as I told them there wasn’t anything at the end of the road and didn’t think there would be any cars coming at me. Dodged the bullet that time!

  3. Sid in S.C.

    Do those bike cops have a blue light on their handlebars right next to the little ringy bell?

  4. 3nine6

    This happened right outside my hotel at 19th. & Baltimore in Ocean City, Maryland a few weeks ago for Cruizin OC. What you have to understand is that there approximately 6,000 hot rods in town and cops everywhere. What most out-of-towners don’t get is, because the streets are so congested, the cops have better access to situations on bicycles and in some instances, horses than patrol cars. The bike cops have radios and can have a patrol car or paddy wagon on site within minutes.

  5. Doc

    Small burnout in a bar parking lot before getting out and turning on the street nailing the perfect power slide… cop was parked across the street in such a way that I could not see him but power slided right in front of him.
    He could see I wasn’t drunk (how could I have any money left for beer, I spent all I had on that car) and the car was full of friends (most of which were females)… got off with a warning but still didn’t get any that night.

    Can’t win them all

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