
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video Bonanza: People Failing At Pulling Engines In Every Way Possible (Ok, Some Succeed)

Video Bonanza: People Failing At Pulling Engines In Every Way Possible (Ok, Some Succeed)

Pulling an engine is one of those gearhead experiences that may be nearly universal among BangShifters. Sometimes it literally seems to remove itself and other times, these big lumps of iron and aluminum fight, wrestle, bite, scratch, and claw to keep themselves inside their homes. In these videos we see people fighting the good fight to get engines out of cars and trucks. Technically some of them succeed but not in the traditional sense. Other than pride, no one seems to get hurt and there are lots of laughs, typically by the people helping the poor schlub who just dumped their engine on the ground, but that’s pretty much how it goes.

Some of the best gearhead memories you’ll have for the rest of your days get housed in videos like this, right? People laughing like hyenas after some sort of ridiculous and fluke failure. The poor kid who forgets to take the speedo cable off of the transmission of the Ford truck is living a nightmare we’ve all lived. How many of us have tested the tensile strength of a ground strap before while lifting an engine? Pro level guys? They don’t have these problems. Mere mortals like us? Yeah, we do!




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