We have seen lots of wacky helmet cam videos over the years here at BangShift but this one is on another level entirely. The video shows a quad rider running full speed down a dirt road in God knows what country. The guy’s machine is equipped with GPS and some other type of guidance device, so we are thinking that this was a race or rally of some sort. Anyway, it doesn’t take long for things to go bad.
While making big steam down this dirt road, the rider looks up to see a cow walking across said road. He decides to move to the left, the same direction that the large bovine is heading. This is a poor decision because the rider smashes into the multi-thousand pound animal face first and is removed from the quad.
The guy gets up, cam rolling to find the quad 50 yards down the road and the cow, well the cow isn’t seen again, but we are assuming that Bessie is deader than a door nail because the impact was right on the head/neck area.
This is weird, funny, and crazy all at the same time.
Press play below to see something you really have not seen before.
The cow most likely kept on walking, just as dazed and confused as the quad rider.
He sounded hurt. Ouch!
His big mistake was trying to go around the front of the cow. When confronted with an animal, (or a vehicle) crossing the road in front of you, always aim for the tail. Trying to go around the back side puts the animals natural motion to work in your favor. Try going around in front, and the animal moves into our path. For safety, we need to make this a relexive action, aim for the tail!