If you have never tuned into the ElectroBOOM channel on YouTube you should. The videos are hilarious and while the host plays the dummy role, the guy is actually an engineer with a very sound knowledge of what the hell he is doing. The jokes can be campy but we like the videos because they are often informative and more times than not we learn something. In this case we learn that you can get creative with 12 AA batteries to get your car fired up if the batter is on the deadish side. Yes, we know it sounds insane but when you see what the guy does and the language he uses to describe what he is doing it makes some real sense.
The crux of the idea here is that the 12 batteries are not doing all the work but rather being treated like little cups of energy that can help feed the car battery back to a modicum of health that would allow it to crank the engine over for a short time and get you rolling again. It is less intended to be some sort of McGuyver how-to video and more there to illustrate the principle. Very few of us run around with spare wire, a soldering gun, and lots of AA batteries in our car. If you do, you are kind of mental but you’d also be able to save yourself.
In the case of this battery, it is not completely flat but dead enough that it will not produce the required juice to crank the engine over and start the car. Ender ElectroBOOM’s Mehdi and his wacky sense of humor. We got a kick out of this and we hope that you do as well. Fun stuff!