
the car junkie daily magazine.


War on Racetracks: Social Circle Residents Form Opposition Group to Proposed Drag Strip

War on Racetracks: Social Circle Residents Form Opposition Group to Proposed Drag Strip

Nattering nabobs in Social Circle, Georgia, trying to protect what must be the last utopian community in America, have formed an opposition group to lobby against a proposed drag strip project in the town. The “Concerned Citizens of Social Circle” held their first meeting on Monday night. The cabal began their plotting to “defeat” the drag strip to use the words of reporter Lee Sandow.

The meeting drew about forty participants according to the story published on CovNews.com. The group is fearful of several thousand things that may happen when the proposed eighth mile strip is built. Close to the top of the list of concerns is dust. We’re not making that up.

The “Concerned Citizens” are also fearful of noise and crowds. Crowds that could eat at their restaurants, fill up at their gas stations, and maybe even stay the night at a local hotel, if there are any in the area. This group of people seem to think that the drag strip will attract an army of people with clubs and guns who will run through the town setting things ablaze and pillaging businesses.

The man trying to build the track is the operator of another speedway in the area and has been accomodating to this point in the process by attending the meetings and stating his plans and intentions for the facility. Obviously it is in his interest to construct a place that is well maintained, safe, and popular. Hell, he’s even going to put an additional structure on the property for concerts and other community events.

We understand that people get nervous about changes in their community, but looking from the outside in, the level of fear that these people have is bordering on sad. With the advent of this group we’re thinking that the track’s chances are pretty dim. The “Concerned Citizens” are talking about getting experts in on their side for the next meeting to speak against the project. We’re dying to hear who they come up with.

In related news, the zoning commission, which, if it decides to rezone the land, will allow the project to move through to the next beaucratic step, pushed off their consideration of the issue. They were supposed to have the final hearing in January, but have decided to wait because they are doing their own “research” into what exactly they’d be getting into with this facility. The City Manager, taking the kind of strong leadership stand that we’ve come to expect out of politicans is quoted in a story on TheWaltonTrubute.com as saying, “I don’t know when that meeting will be.”

We’re going to keep on top of this story, stay tuned for updates!


Concerned Citizens of Social Circle Meet

Zoning Commission Pushes Off Meeting

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