
the car junkie daily magazine.

No Prep Drag Racing Photos From Maple Grove: Even The Cold Can’t Stop These No Prep Racers From Giving It Their All

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) I hate the cold weather. That probably sounds pretty ridiculous coming from a lifelong resident of the Northeast region of the United States, but as I get older the...

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2025 NHRA GatorNationals Action Photos: David Whealon Brought Us Plenty Of Action Shots Despite The Weekend’s Weather

(Photos by David Whealon) – NHRA Drag Racing at the Gatornationals was off the hook yet again in 2025! The week started with record breaking performances in testing, and ended with big wins and...

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Love them or hate them, but Rat Rods nearly always garner a ton of attention at events. These things are incredibly polarizing, and I think part of the reason is that people tend to build them so...

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Inside The AJ Henriksen’s Garage Race Car Collection: Massive Private Vintage Museum From NASCAR to Trans Am and More!

I’ve been fortunate enough to see some pretty cool private car collections over the years, so when there are collection owners willing to let someone share them on the internet I always like to...

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Weighted Impact Socket Testing: Will The Biggest Be The Baddest? Back to Back to Back Testing

The impact wrench wars have really gotten crazy in the last few years, whether cordless or air, and with that craze has also come some new accessories to make them even more powerful. Weighted...

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March Meet 2025 Drag Racing Video: AA/Fuel Altered Eliminator – Full Eliminations Drag Racing Video From Famoso Dragstrip

While we wish we had been at the March Meet to livestream all the racing action like we did back in the day, we have to happy to have some video coverage from several friends like The Monday Morning...

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Wild Video: Suzuki Submarine

The Suzuki Samurai was a much maligned little 4×4 back when Consumer Reports got one to “roll” on its test course. Turns out that the little bastards are great off-road trucks with...

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Great Read: How a New York Foundry Came Together and Saved Itself

Oberdorfer LLC is a 134-year-old foundry located in DeWitt, New York. Like all other business in the manufacturing sector, it have been hit very hard by today’s economic woes. The company was...

MSD Ignition Store Now Online

BangShift.com sponsor MSD Ignition is reminding you about its online store where 1,000s of part numbers are available to purchase instantly. Lots of those part numbers are for T-shirts and hats and...

Hang ‘Em High: Arsonist Destroys British 1950’s Museum Full of Cars

These are the stories that make our blood boil. The BBC is reporting that a 46 year old man was arrested after a fire ripped through a 1950s museum in Denbighshire, England. The museum had a large...

Breaking News: GM’s Bob Lutz to be Reassigned

Minutes ago it was announced that Bob Lutz, along with several other high-level executives within General Motors will be “reassigned” to new positions today. The official announcement...

Great Read: ESPN Interviews 2009 NHRA Funny Car Champ Robert Hight

Robert Hight, the son-in-law of John Force and longtime crew member at John Force Racing, was crowned the 2009 NHRA Funny Car Champion at the Auto Club Finals in Pomona this year. He finished just...

Would you pay $5,000 to go 200 mph?

When we first read this USA Today piece about high-end driving schools, we immediately went into negative mode and were thinking about taking pot shots at anyone who would pay $5,000 bucks to spend...

More Killer Swedish Video: A Hill Climb With a Wild Mix of Cars

Here’s another great piece of video that comes to us via a tip from Speedzzter, our blog contributing compatriot. We’re taking you back to Sweden but this time we’re ditching the...

The Wall Street Journal Breaks Down the GM Ceo Saga

With the news of the GM board’s ouster of Fritz Henderson just days ago, dozens of questions have been swirling about who will take over the position, when that will happen, and how bat crap...

Killer Swedish Video: Ice Racing a 1964 Galaxie 500

We got tipped off to this awesome video by Bangshift forum member and blog contributor Speedzzter. It is footage of a 1964 Galaxie 500 being wrung out on a frozen lake in Sweden. The car is a four...

Great Read: The Story of Wendell Scott and How He Broke NASCAR’s Color Barrier

Wendell Scott was the first black racer to win a NASCAR race. The big moment came on December 1, 1963 on a dirt track in Jacksonville, Florida. Officials initially awarded the win to Buck Baker (who...

1967 Mustang Wins East African Safari Classic Rally

In a come-from-behind win, driver Ian Duncan piloted his 1967 Mustang to victory at the 2009 running of the East African Safari Classic Rally. Duncan suffered an electrical failure during one of the...

ebay Find: Super Rare ’66 Crew Cab Chevy Pickup

While patrolling eBay for truck parts that we can use on our project truck Goliath, we happened upon a very neat and ultra rare Chevy truck that we wish we could afford. It’s a 1966 crew cab...

Patrick Signs Indy Deal; Says NASCAR is Still on the Table

Public opinion lightning rod Danica Patrick has signed a two-year contract with Andretti Autosport. More interesting is that she formally stated her interest to drive in NASCAR as well. Apparently...