Tag Archive: camaro, Car Junkie TV, Challenger, chevelle, chevy nova, classic cars, drag racing, driving school, el camino, hot rods
The Top 11 Things We Never Thought We’d Hear Ourselves Say
Dec 02, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on The Top 11 Things We Never Thought We’d Hear Ourselves Say
Times have changed. We have changed. Our families have grown. Standing back and looking at the state of the hobby and of our near homelessness and of our shift to the Web, we had to sum it all up in...
Moran: Quickest and Fastest in the World With Turbos!
Dec 02, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on Moran: Quickest and Fastest in the World With Turbos!
For years we’ve been wondering and waiting for someone, anyone, to figure out how to properly harness the power of a turbocharged Pro Mod and throw some numbers up. Andy Jensen has been doing...
The New Weld Wheels
Dec 01, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on The New Weld Wheels
This is kind of old news after the buzz got around at the SEMA show, but we were just copied on the official press release so we thought we’d share with you that Weld Racing has been purchased...
eBay Pick of the Week: The F-Troop Gasser
Dec 01, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on eBay Pick of the Week: The F-Troop Gasser
As radical and cool and historic as this is, I don’t think I’d throw down $425,000 for this even if I had Leno kinda money. It’s the F-Troop Willys Gasser, and its story is well...
Monday Time Killer: Horsepower Guesser
Dec 01, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on Monday Time Killer: Horsepower Guesser
Monday morning universally sucks unless you are at the US Nationals and are still racing. Other than that, it blows. Luckily, we here at FreiburgersJunkyard.com will provide you with something to...
Barnstormin’: In Praise of Open Trailers
Dec 01, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on Barnstormin’: In Praise of Open Trailers
Gale Banks Display at the Wally Parks
Dec 01, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on Gale Banks Display at the Wally Parks
The photo shows just a few of the 34 engines that were headed out of Banks Engineering last week, on the way to the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona, California, for this week’s...
New Resto Decals for Garlits Tachs
Dec 01, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on New Resto Decals for Garlits Tachs
This is so cool! Anyone remember the Don Garlits signature tachs by Sun? They were in full Captain America trim in red, white, and blue. They’ve been going for big bucks on eBay for the past...
62 Photos from Today’s Long Beach Swap Meet
Dec 01, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on 62 Photos from Today’s Long Beach Swap Meet
After clearing 10,000 square feet of junk out of our old 7,000-square-foot shop, we had lots of stuff to get rid of. Combine that with our need for food money and it was obvious that we had to go...
Lunati Pistons for Cheap
Nov 29, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on Lunati Pistons for Cheap
Interestingly, Lunati is now owned by (among others) Ron Coleman of Comp Cams. The two companies share an owner and one PR employee, and are being run as competitors. However, before all of that ever...
Roadside Find: ’42 Brew Wagon
Nov 28, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on Roadside Find: ’42 Brew Wagon
While on an afternoon trip to the local home improvement mega-store we nearly drove off the road when we spotted this awesome ’42 Chevy truck parked outside a little local watering hole. We can...
CraigsList Deal of the Week: Elcomino
Nov 28, 2008Chad ReynoldsComments Off on CraigsList Deal of the Week: Elcomino
Here’s another one of the recurring features you’ll find at FreiburgersJunkyard.com: the CraigsList Deal of the Week. It was supposed to go live first thing this morning with similar...
Friday Excuse to go Home Early and Drink: The Seemingly Imminent Death of Pontiac
Nov 28, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on Friday Excuse to go Home Early and Drink: The Seemingly Imminent Death of Pontiac
This weekly feature will give you plenty of reason to click the shut-down button on your work computer and drain a few frosties stat. It’s going to be bad news people–deal. Automotive...
This Weekend: Daytona’s Turkey Run
Nov 27, 2008Brian LohnesComments Off on This Weekend: Daytona’s Turkey Run
Thanksgiving weekend us upon us and for most of the country that means your junk is sitting idle in the garage, under a tarp, or like us, in the elements. Note that we said most of the country. If...