If you attend any drag racing event in the country nowadays, you will find drivers and crew chiefs making tune up changes in the pits and in the staging lanes, by simply choosing between a couple tune ups that they already had loaded. The idea here is that if the track conditions change from what they say before making their tune up choices, then the crew chief can tell the driver to turn it up or down based on conditions. We automatically think of this being useful when the race track is going away due to the heat, or because someone just oiled the track and you think it won’t be as good once cleaned up, but the truth is that choosing a tune up with MORE power is just as likely. And how convenient would it be to just turn a knob up or down to choose your tune? Well that’s exactly what they are doing…well sort of.
Depending on the EFI system, the procedure for changing the tune can be as easy as turning a knob and going for a run, or might require punching a couple buttons on the touch screen and then turning the power off and back on. Either way, this can be done in a matter of seconds.
Thanks to the wonders of modern fuel injection, and the configurability that it includes, these things are possible. On Holley’s EFI platform this can be done a couple of different ways, but one of the coolest is with a simple twisting key switch. Not only can you set this up for changing race tunes, but you could also use this to set a “Valet” or “So I don’t kill my kid when he takes my car out” mode. The possibilities are really up to you though as there are lots of multi position switches that would work using this wiring and configuration method.
But enough typing, watch how you do this. Ryan from High Performance Consulting will walk you through the entire process. This one doesn’t even require cycling power on and off, so you could actually do your burnout and then flip the switch if you think you need to. It’s that instantaneous.