Jeff Lee From ET Enterprises Finds His Dad’s Old Race Car, Brings It Home, And Is Going To Bring It Back To Its Former Glory!

Jeff Lee From ET Enterprises Finds His Dad’s Old Race Car, Brings It Home, And Is Going To Bring It Back To Its Former Glory!

My buddy Jeff Lee lost his dad Skip a few years ago, and it put a hole in the racing world that may never be filled. Skip Lee was a well known engine builder and racer in Michigan and his shop, ET Enterprises, was known for building some incredibly competitive Stock Eliminator and Super Stock engines over the years. But Skip also had his own car, a 1971 Monte Carlo with a Big Block in it that ran real hard and was super competitive. After selling the car off years ago it remained in the area and after his passing 4 years ago, the Lee family decided that when the opportunity came about to get the car back, they should.

His son Jeff, a good friend of mine, traded his own race car to get it back and we couldn’t be happier for them.

So this is the video about the car, it’s coming home and plans to bring it back to its former glory and beyond.

Check it out.

Video Description:

4 Years Ago Today My Father Fred “Skip” Lee passed away. On this crappy day I wanted to announce something positive that he would most definitely be happy about. I recently got his 1971 Monte Carlo race car back. I traded my Regal for it roller for roller, and I have some plans for it.


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