Engine Building Video: Watch A 572ci Stroker Hemi Get Built, Topped With An 8-71, and Tested On The Dyno!

Engine Building Video: Watch A 572ci Stroker Hemi Get Built, Topped With An 8-71, and Tested On The Dyno!

If you are in the mood to see how horsepower is made today, boy do we have the video for you! This is an awesome step-by-step story showing the construction of a 572ci Chrysler hemi that’s packing a bunch of stroke, and an 8-71 blower on top. You are going to see every step in the build of the engine, the tips and tricks used by the engine building outfit that creates the monstrous elephant engine, and then the dyno testing that shows power levels, tuning, and even the effect of adding air cleaners to this street engine and how it changes the power levels.

What we really like about this video is the fact that no only do we see everything we get some cool explanations about the procedures, parts being used, and the processes in place to make sure that this engine is ready and raring to go when the back of it is attached to the dyno. The shop doing the work here is Prestige Motorsports and as you will see, their shop is absolutely spotless and it does appear that every surface in the place would be just fine to eat off of!

In a world where we see turbocharged combos seemingly growing like weeds out of the ground, it’s pretty fun to see a big 8-71 huffer on top of a big hemi making power the old-school, blunt force trauma way. Topped with a couple of carbs, there are few things cooler on Earth than this. Hell, not only does this thing make near four digit power, it also has an air condition pump bolted to the front of it!

Enjoy the build, enjoy the tech, and enjoy the payoff of the dyno test.

Press  play below to see a 572ci stroker Hemi get build, topped with a blower, and tested –

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3 thoughts on “Engine Building Video: Watch A 572ci Stroker Hemi Get Built, Topped With An 8-71, and Tested On The Dyno!

  1. Danno

    Wow, what a piece of jewelry to have under (and through) the hood! I doubt however that many readers could afford the $30-40K price tag just for an engine. The cost per HP has to be about the highest you could spend but hey if you got the bucks this is pretty old school cool!

  2. Mark

    I like to see you guys do an early 325 Dodge Early Hemi. Say 1957 58 or59. it was the biggest of the early Dodge hemi\’s… That would be cool to see what 1 of those little jewels will do with a blower on it . The beauty of those motors is they will fit between thirtys Vehicle frame rails without sticking out the side and still have hemi power . I talked to Joe Roush one day he said he used to run and on those on the salt flats. I also talk to Joe mondello and he said he loved them!! Late fifties 57 58 325 Dodge hemi. I\’ve talked to some of the old Rodders and they said they had them in early fire trucks really torquey powerful little motors.

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