We’ve never built a rotary engine around here. Not Chad, not me, not McTag. They are insanely popular in certain sectors of the drag racing world and the fact that these things have progressed to the point where by using all billet parts people are making 1,500+ horsepower with them is amazing. Because we have never seen one of these things (meaning the 1,500hp variety) assembled by one of the true masters of the craft, this video from the Full Boost YouTube page really opened our eyes. In Australia a company called Promaz has ben creating the kind of hardcore rotary performance that top level drag racers in the import and sport compact scene demand. This shop has engines all over the world being hammered as hard as they’ll go by enterprising racers.
This is not some gloss job over the assembly. This is a legitimately in-depth look at building the engine, the processes employed, the parts used, and the logic behind it all. We know that the rotary has very few moving parts so how hard can it be, right? Well, the difficulty is not necessarily in any one intricate operation, it’s making sure that you have all the right parts and that they are designed to work in harmony with each other. Also, the devil’s always in the details. When you are going to have these rotors spinning at 10,000+ RPM, flaws in your assembly work will show up quick.
So press play below and see how a truly awesome little rotary engine is built. It makes us want to mess with a stock one just for fun because if they are this bad ass at the top of the food chain, even the little bitty stockers have to be neat!