Category Archive: BangShift XL, XL Online Find
This 1948 Ford F-5 Monster Truck Has Some Awesome Driveline Components And An Engine You May Not Know
Feb 08, 2015Brian Lohnes1
We’re not really sure why someone built this truck and by the wording of the ad, the seller isn’t so sure either but that doesn’t take anything away from our opinion about how...
This 1979 F350 Is Actually A 1997 Cummins Powered Dodge 3500 In Disguise
Feb 07, 2015Brian Lohnes10
Man this thing is awesome! The dually you see before you is very much in the “what exactly is it?” category because at first blush you’ll think that it is a cleanly restored 1979...
This 1977 Dodge B200 Maxi Van Is A Time Capsule That You Don’t Want To Check With A Blacklight
Feb 05, 2015Brian Lohnes12
Long wheelbase, full shag interior, flipping awesome Bengal tiger on the side, slot mags, and a picture window on the side big enough to fog up. Yep, this thing will do just fine. Who am I kidding? I...
This 1986 Chevy Van Trailer Is The Greatest Thing We Have Ever Seen – Fore Sale!
Feb 04, 2015Brian Lohnes8
This literally tops them all. I’m still trying to pull my jaw back up off the desk after opening the email I got from Jack Flagel introducing me to the best thing I have ever seen in the form...
Copart Cadaver: What In The Name Of All Things Holy Happened To This CJ5?!
Feb 02, 2015Brian Lohnes11
On Friday, I threw a photo of this Jeep on my personal Facebook page just for a lark. It went nuts and that convinced me that it would be good fodder for the front page here because someone has to...
This 1970s VW Boonie Bug Was Born From Plans On The Pages Of Popular Mechanics And Lives On Today
Feb 02, 2015Brian Lohnes6
There has never been a platform for automotive creativity like the old school VW Bug and Bus. The reality is that there never will be anything like those cars again. While many of the ideas and...
Ebay Find: A Cummins-Powered 1949 Dodge Rat-Rod That Would Make A Killer Shop Truck!
Feb 02, 2015Bryan McTaggart2
This one is bound to create some opinions. I’m not sure where to even go with this…I don’t want to call this 1949 Dodge a rat-rod because that implies that it’s near-useless...
The Pickle Is The Most Bizarre Trar Ever Built: 1940s Power Wagon Mashed With 1970s Datsun – Beyond Freakish
Feb 01, 2015Brian Lohnes4
Usually Trars are kind of amusing and fun but the one is flat out creepy. The combo of a 1940s Dodge Power Wagon and a 1970s Datsun is strange enough but when you see how it was done, what else was...
This 1964 Chevy Stageway Suburban Has Seven Doors, Yellowstone History, And Less Than 10,000 Miles On It
Feb 01, 2015Brian Lohnes3
We have showed you many Stageway creations over the years here at BangShift. Heck, there was one on display at the Grand National Roadster Show in the form of a Nova wagon that had like 100 doors and...
Some Genius Dropped A 1968 Charger Body Onto A Durango Chassis And Made A General Lee Trar For The Ages
Jan 31, 2015Brian Lohnes6
BangShifter Brad Werkheiser sent us the tip on this pile of greatness that’s currently for sale on eBay. What you are looking at is a 1968 Charger body that has been installed on a Dodge...
This 1937 Studebaker Bus Is Incredibly Rare And Has Near Unlimited Hot Rodding Potential
Jan 30, 2015Brian Lohnes4
Chances are that you have never seen a 1937 Studebaker school bus. According to the seller this is one of four ever built and the last one that remains in existence. Frankly we think that it is...
Ebay Find: A 1974 AMC Gremlin Turned Into A Trar! Freak, Or Freakin’ Awesome?
Jan 29, 2015Bryan McTaggart6
AMC and four-wheel drive cars went hand-in-hand long before Subaru made a big deal out of it. Cars like the Eagle wagon and the Spirit SX/4 were truly ahead of their time. But before that, there...
This 1969 Dodge D300 Open Road Camper Is So Cool We’re Nearly Speechless!
Jan 29, 2015Brian Lohnes3
I actually fear for what will happen to Chad when he sees this blog item. The guy is going to make some weird gasping noises, clutch his chest, maybe swallow his beard, and just go down like a ton of...
Ebay Find: Anyone Want A Super-Huge Super Duty?
Jan 28, 2015Bryan McTaggart9
Say you have eight thousand dollars and a thing for huge trucks. What do you do? Sure, there’s tons of big pickup trucks on Craigslist, but that just isn’t big enough. Well, allow me to...