Category Archive: BangShift XL, XL Project Trucks

The Revival, Part 1: Bringing A Super Duty Back From The Trip To The Scrapyard

In the quest to locate a shop to wrench on the Project Raven Imperial in peace, quiet, and with enough solitude that I don’t wake the neighbors up with loud and unabashed swearing, I offered up...

Bottom Dollar Blazer – Episode 7: It’s Time To Start Thinking Paint, BangShift Style.

Well, it’s been a while since I posted my last update to the Blazer project. Class is wrapped up at Assabet Valley Tech, and I got a ton of the grunt work done. Now it’s time to think...

Bottom Dollar Blazer Project – Episode 5: MY PARTS ARE HERE!

OMG, Mr. Brownpants is here, Mr. Brownpants is here, and he has my parts! I’ve been waiting for this day, and it’s finally here! This is basically the shipment that’s going to turn...

Accidental Treasures: Stuff I Found in my ’79 Blazer

Over the last few weeks, I’ve published a few stories about the work I’m doing on my ’79 Blazer. You’ll read more about it every Friday for the next few months. I really got...

Bottom Dollar Blazer Project – Episode 2: Fixing Mechanical Stuff

The first order of business with the ’79 Blazer I wrote about in last week’s episode was to start cleaning up everything, understanding what the issues were so I could get it running...