
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: BS Daily Tune Up

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Boss Barracuda – The Surfaris – (1966?)

With tunes proclaiming the superiority of SS396 Chevelles, Little Cobras, GTOs, and Mustangs, it is about time we heard from someone standing up for the Chrysler set. We dug up this gem from the...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Bismarck” by Sabaton (2019)

It’s interesting, the way stories play off of our emotions. Yesterday, Lohnes wrote up a piece about the D-Day Squadron that is en route to Europe to take part in the 75th anniversary of the...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Time And Time Again” by Papa Roach (2002)

I fully apologize for going into Time Warp Mode on you this week, readers, but it’s kind of necessary in my world. Come tomorrow, I’m hitting the road and returning to the Central Texas...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Chicken – The Cheers (1955)

During the days of the “hot rod menace” in the early 1950s there was lots of hysteria in the streets about wild kids flying around in out of control cars and causing mayhem. Wally Parks...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Cross Off” by Mark Morton featuring Chester Bennington (2019)

It’s almost strange to say, but with the long winter off and a lot of work done behind the livestream camera, working OSCR VI feels like a return to something I hadn’t done in forever. I...

BangShift Tune-Up: “No Excuses” by Alice In Chains (1994)

When I moved to Washington State in 1993, it was under a bit of turmoil, plenty of which had started before the actual move. Only a few days after my brother and I had arrived, we were greeted with...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Wild, Wild Mustang” by Dick Dale and the Del-Tones (1964)

You may not know the name of the song. But as soon as the opening notes play, young or old, you know the song. It’s a folk song that comes from the Eastern Mediterranean region, one that has...

The Bang Shift Daily Tune Up: Vehicle – The Ides Of March (1970)

As a kid, I played the trombone and without bragging, I was a pretty decent player. I gave up the horn after I got the college and discovered that beer and working on cars with my pals (often while...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Brand New Cadillac – The Milkshakes (1984)

At the behest of at least five, count ’em five BS readers who have suggested this tune over the last couple weeks, I’m featuring the song “Brand New Cadillac” today. I chose...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Chevy Van – Sammy Johns (1973)

The 1970s were about vans, chicks, and getting busy with chicks in vans. Sammy Johns understood this trend and released the song Chevy Van in 1973. Although it wasn’t an immediate hit, the song...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Black Honey” by Thrice (2016)

“To be everywhere is to be nowhere. People who spend their whole life travelling abroad end up having plenty of places where they can find hospitality but no real friendships. The same must...

Best of 2018: “Jesus Built My Hotrod” by Burn The Priest (2018)

Let’s start off right: no, this isn’t Ministry. The original 1991 song that is a staple of many, many playlists was Ministry’s biggest and probably most well-known song, but it was...

BangShift Tune-Up: “My Sweet Shadow” by In Flames (2004)

The October Rush has hit BangShift Mid-West again. In one corner of the yard sits the Cadillac Limo, which has been entered in for at least one King of the Heap event at NCM Motorsports Park, which...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Rag Doll” by Aerosmith (1988)

So what does a very dilapidated 1964 IH Metro van left languishing in the woods of western Massachusetts have to do with today’s BangShift Tune-Up? That van is the very first tour van that...