
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: ROAD TRIPS, Sponsor News

Goodguys Texas Road Tour Adventures: Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Indy Cars, In N Out Oh My!

(Photos and Text By Bret Voelkel/Ridetech) RideTech’s own Bret Voelkel is on the Goodguys’ Texas Road Tour currently traveling from Goodguys’ headquarters in Plesanton, California...

Show The Drive: BangShift Chad’s Roadtrip To LS Fest Behind The Wheel Of A 1LE Camaro

This was a fun trip. Sure it was only a few hours of driving, but it was on some of the most beautiful and simple roads that Indiana and Kentucky had to offer. And thanks to Scott and Michael of...


UltraVan Adventures: One Man’s Roadtrip Adventure To Rescue One Whacky Machine

Jesse Lamond is a nut job. We know because we have talked to him on the phone and he’s into all the stuff we dig. Of course it’s not his fault, we’ve also talked to his parents and...

Gallery:Hot Rod Power Tour Chattanooga, Tennessee—Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, More!

The Hot Rod Power Tour made its return to Chattanooga, Tennessee this year, having made its first appearance in 2010. The city welcomed the return, and the Power Tour folks were glad to be back, so...

Event Coverage: Viva Las Vegas, The Road Trip, The Cars, The Girls

BangShifter Newell Ruggles sent us some great photos from Viva Las Vegas 2013, along with his adventure in getting there behind the wheel of the “Black Widow” 1960 Plymouth Valiant with...

Aussie Road Trip Gallery: The Roadside Finds On A Long Trip Across Oz

(Photos by Darryl Daniels) – We’ve been showing you cool photos from the Top Gear Festival in Australia recently and those photos came from Darryl Danies who lives down there. Darryl went...

Numb Butt Tour 2012: Cole Quinnell and Rob McGaffin Cruise The Country In A Hot Rod Chevelle

Cole Quinnell and Rob McGaffin are known for their words and photos respectively, but nobody ever said they were the smartest guys. Don’t get us wrong, we are crazy enough to want to road trip...

Event Coverage: Thousands Of Hot Rods Drive The Bay To Birdwood Cruise in Adelaide Australia

The Tearle brothers send us an email on Sunday saying that they had been to a super cool cruise in Adelaide, Australia and had photos to share if we were interested. Well of course we were!...

Road Trip Video: Rodfather Wrapup: Check Out All The Videos Right Here!

We just finished up the first half of the Rodfather Goodguys Road Tour and can’t begin to describe just how bitchin it was. Sure we worked our asses off shooting video and photos and getting...

Road Trip Gallery: The Goodguys Rodfather Tour Day Three – Cool Hot Rods On the Road

As the Goodguys Rodfather road trip heads across the country, Chad is continuing to send us dispatches from the road in both photo and video form. This is a gallery from one of the stops on the tour...

Video: Rodfather Tour Visits Wyotech, Chad Does Interviews, And We Visit Pinkees Rod Shop.

Day two of the Rodfather Goodguys Road Tour is in the bag, and we had even more fun today! With five more days of road trip ahead of us before reaching Indy, there is sure to plenty more fun, but...

Video and Photos: The Rodfather Tour Invades Colorado, Chad Pours Beer, Drinks Beer, and More.

We’ve got a some cool photos from Day 2 of the Rodfather Goodguys Road Tour, along with a cool on the spot teaser video from Saturday that includes Chad pouring beer! We’ll have our full...

Video: Chad And The Route2Media Gang Cruise Through Utah With Roy Brizio And Friends.

Day one of the Rodfather Goodguys Cruise was super bitchin. Some of the coolest hot rods around are cruising cross country from Bonneville to Indy and we are covering all the action. Wix Filters was...

Road Trip! Photos and Video: The Rodfather Tour Has Officially Started!

We’ve spent the last two days cruising from Pleasanton, California to Wendover, Utah for the start of the Goodguys Rodfather Tour, but today was the official start. And where better to start a...