
the car junkie daily magazine.


70 MPH is the New 55

70 MPH is the New 55

This will not come as a shock to anyone, but it seems that most people move down the highway closer to 70 mph than 55. We were tipped off to a Wall Street Journal story which highlighted some data, collected by Tom Tom Inc., the GPS navigation device company, that shows the fastest and slowest states with respect to average speed on highways.

How did the company get the data? Tom Tom was not spying on customers remotely, instead they signed agreements with customers who allowed the company to study their speeds and driving habits. The company wanted the data to help their routing of Tom Tom users around slow moving, congested areas.

Our eastern headquarters in is located in the “slow” state of Massachusetts, where the average highway speed is between 52 and 63 mph. Meanwhile, our weatern offices in California show themselves to be in the middle bracket, meaning the average speed is 64-68 mph. States with sparse populations populate the fast bracket at 68-70 mph.

The story also looks at the way states are dealing with speed limits. Virginia just raised it to 70 mph on interstate highways. We’re hoping Massachusetts does the same thing, and quick, but hold little hope that our weenie legislature would ever do it.  

Hit the link below and check the map. Where does your state fall?

Thanks to BangShift.com member Speedzzter for the tip!

Source — The Wall Street Journal — Why 70 Miles Per Hour is the New 55

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