
the car junkie daily magazine.


Breaking News: 50,000+ Gallons Of Crude Oil Spilled In Los Angeles – “Gentleman’s Club” Swamped

Breaking News: 50,000+ Gallons Of Crude Oil Spilled In Los Angeles – “Gentleman’s Club” Swamped

Hours ago, an above ground pipe that measures some 20-inches in diameter and carries cruse oil through the town of Atwater Village, California ruptured and released an estimated 50,000 gallons of crude oil onto the city streets. The initial break in the pipe caused a geyser of oil to blast nearly three stories into the car with a lot of the oil landing on the roof of a nearby strip club. Initially fire department officials estimated the spill at one million gallons but have since revised that statement with the more conservative 50,000 gallon number. There are apparently parts of Atwater Village that are flooded with crude oil that is knee deep. The pipeline is currently shut down and since it is not even daybreak out there yet (this is being published a 3:45 AM LA time) we’ve not seen the worst of the photos to come.

At this time no one has reported who owns or operates the pipeline and some residents of Atwater Village are being evacuated. We’re pretty sure none of the “ballet dancers” at the Gentleman’s Club were hurt, maimed, or ruined while beating a hasty escape from “da club” when it was discovered that they were at ground zero for the spill. The next logical question is, “How do you clean it up?” and that may be the angle of this story we are most interested in going forward.

We’re going to follow this one today and going forward so stay tuned here for updates, photos, etc.

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11 thoughts on “Breaking News: 50,000+ Gallons Of Crude Oil Spilled In Los Angeles – “Gentleman’s Club” Swamped

  1. GuitarSlinger

    ….. and this is why each and every thinking person needs to lobby against the building of the Keystone Pipeline . Just imagine the damage this kind of spill would cause to the Ogallala Aquifer … which everyone from AgriBusiness to the Family Farm in the Midwest [ our largest source of food in the US ] depends on . With you the end user [ food ] being the ultimate loser .

    Sorry to get all serious here but this must be said … before its all too godawful freaking late

    1. orange65

      I realize the potential damage you speak of, but the actual safety is the result of maintenance. How many serious spills have happened on the Alaskan airlines? Other than a grounded oil tanker- I have heard of none- but I live in the opposite side of the country too.

      Not building something out of fear of what MIGHT happen is ridiculous. That kind of thinking would have kept us in the caves.

      1. 75Duster

        I agree with you orange65, not building the Keystone out of fear of what might happen is ridiculous.

  2. TheSilverBuick

    Reuter’s is reporting 10,000 gallons. One thing I’ve learned over the last several years is people grossly over estimate uncontained liquid spill volumes.

  3. BigBlockMopar

    I’ve seen oil spills being cleaned up with birds once.
    They dip ‘m in the oil and wash ‘m off somewhere else.
    Not the most efficient or humane thing to do I think and it’s pretty ‘crude’ aswell perhaps…

    Looks like a slippery situation to be in… 😛

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