
the car junkie daily magazine.


Photos: Donut Derelicts Sunrise Cruise – Huntington Beach, California

Photos: Donut Derelicts Sunrise Cruise – Huntington Beach, California

There are certain things worth getting up for and if you are a gearhead in southern California, one of those things is the famed Donut Derelicts cruise that happens at dawn every Saturday morning in Huntington Beach, California. There’s no big strings attached, guys just show up in cool old cars, chow donuts and coffee, then go to have productive days doing stuff like fixing the stuff that fell off while driving to Donut Derelicts or sampling beers. You know, doing the important things in life.

This is one of our favorite events to attend because everyone there had to go out of their way to get up early, get their junk started, and make the drive down. Anything that requires that level of commitment shakes off most of the dinks and jerks and makes for a fun gathering of hardcore gearheads in a really nice location pretty close to the Pacific Ocean. We have a couple of different collections of photos to share with you and this is the one we’e kicking the whole shebang off with. Click the button below to see early morning goodness from the famous Donut Derelicts sunrise cruise!

button” text=”CLICK HERE to see our first collection of photos from the Donut Derelicts sunrise cruise in Huntington Beach, California”]

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