One of the highest ranking guys at General Motors is leaving the company on April 1. Stephens is a true “car guy” who has been with the company since 1969 and rose through the ranks from an hourly student cop-op position to being one of the most powerful men on the company. He’s also one of the last executives left with GM since the near collapse of the company and bankruptcy a few years back.
By all accounts, Stephens definitely fits in the “car guy” and not “bean counter” mold at GM. He’s a confirmed gearhead with a collection of cars and hot rods, which he wrenches on himself. His story at GM is neat in the fact that he has been with the organization for more than 40 years in a bunch of different roles. He took what amounted to a work study job while in college and over the course of four decades worked for several different divisions of the company in varying roles of responsibility. When he was in charge of powertrain operations he was in charge of developing the Northstar engine, he spearheaded the technological development of the Volt, and he worked to make powertrain development a global operation. His work in that department is becoming more apparent with engines like the 2.0L turbocharged EcoTech that is finding its way into cars both in North America and across the world. There will be lots more global engine crossover in the future along these lines.
Stephens’ role was adjusted about a year ago when the new leadership at GM shook up their top level management. Interestingly, we’ll be seeing some of his work under the hoods of GM cars for years to come. The General has announced that the next generation of small block V8 is nearing readiness, there are new EcoTec variants on the way, and who knows what the advanced propulsion skunk works have been cooking up.
Hit the link below to read more about Tom Stephens, one of the true gearhead believers at General Motors!