Last week’s Freak, the ol’ Lombard Steam Log Hauler, was a tracked vehicle built in Maine. The insane death machine known as the Howe and Howe Ripsaw is also a tracked vehicle built in Maine. Man, what a difference 100 years can make.
While we’re highlighting only the Ripsaw here, we want to make it clear that everything these guys make is Captain Insano nuts.
The company’s web site is understandably light on tech info as this is a project that the company is developing for the US Military and those guys like to keep the small details under wraps so the bad guys don’t get any ideas.
Here’s what we know. It is claimed to be the fastest tracked vehicle in the world. It will go 80 mph flat out. It will go 0-60 in 3.5 seconds and it can carry 2,000 pounds, which means that it can carry enough firepower to wail the crap out of most anything it wants to. We believe it’s powered by a big-block Chevy.
It is operated by two people, a gunner and a driver. Both of those people work at remote stations, so there’s actually no one in the line of fire. This baby would be able to run circles around fullsized battle tanks and if properly equipped could take them out completely.
Imagine being a bad guy and seeing a wave of these unmanned beasts barreling down on top of you at 80 mph with guns blazing. We just crapped out pants writing that.
Here’s the homepage, and here’s some video of what appears to be an unmanned version getting nasty: