Inflated attendance expectations are coming back to haunt the NASCAR hall of fame which has not drawn people at near the expected rate, according to a Times-Dispatch story. As it turns out, the blame for this does not lay strictly with NASCAR but with county and city officials in the places where the museum was proposed to be built.
Each city saw the potential for cash and tourism so it is believed that the proposals and information that were given to NASCAR may have been a bit “optimistic”. Charlotte proposed a $200-million dollar facility that would draw more than 800,000 people per year. Currently the facility is on pace for 410,000.
When you consider about 350,000 people the baseball hall of fame, 800,000 sounds like pure pie in the sky. The lack of attendance is scaring creditors of NASCAR who made the loans to pay for building construction. Without the proper attendance the place will not generate the necessary revenue to stay up on the debt.
It is an interesting read that exposes some of the behind-the-scenes history of the building and operation of the museum. No one seems to be totally innocent.
Source — — Attendance lags at NASCAR Hall of Fame