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Carb to EFI Conversions Are Easier than Ever with Sniper Quadrajet Drop-in Fuel Pump Master Kits

Carb to EFI Conversions Are Easier than Ever with Sniper Quadrajet Drop-in Fuel Pump Master Kits

Lots of folks feel like you are either a carburetor fan or an efi fan, but that these two camps are separate. I’m a huge fan of carburetors, but I am also a huge fan of electronic fuel injection. I think both are great, and that different applications might be more appropriate for one than another. But I’m also one of those weirdo carburetor guys who thinks that a Rochester Quadrajet is a great carburetor for many different applications. I know, I know, that makes me weird, but I’ve had them for years, built them for years, and have found them to be reliable and fun. Most performance enthusiasts prefer a Holley square bore carburetor for their combinations, which is why all the available bolt-on fuel injection systems came out first with square bore throttle bodies, but that isn’t the only offering anymore.

Not only can you get Sniper kits for several two and four-barrel applications, but also for the aforementioned Quadrajet. But there has never been an easier way to bolt on EFI than Sniper’s new Quadrajet Drop-in Fuel Pump Master Kits. They are a real drop-in and make this swap as simple as possible. Remember there is not tuning needed, and simple questions to get your configuration dialed in and ready for your first start-up and drive.

Watch the video, and you’ll get all the info. And here’s the description from their video.

Learn more: CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT Quadrajet Sniper KITS

Holley has expanded its Sniper Quadrajet EFI Master Kits, which are now available with Sniper EFI systems, and a high-pressure, in-tank fuel pump module. These kits make converting your car from carb to EFI easier than ever. The drop-in fuel pump module is backwards and forwards universal and installs quickly and easy into your factory gas tank. It provides a quiet, reliable, high-pressure fuel solution for your EFI conversion.

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