
the car junkie daily magazine.


Roadside Find: A Cool Collection of Vintage Bulldozers and Equipment

Roadside Find: A Cool Collection of Vintage Bulldozers and Equipment

On a recent Sunday cruise with the family, we came across an unexpected roadside treat. Said treat was a small collection of vintage bulldozers, crawlers, and equipment that included an old road grader and a bitchin’ late 1960s Ford dump truck. Naturally, we had our camera with us, as well as our two intrepid companions, Tom and Jack. We got permission to check the stuff out and proceeded to poke, prod, and climb all over the slumbering machines. 

It seems unfathomable that bulldozers once had gasoline engines, but one of the machines, an old Caterpillar, did have a mammoth old four banger in it. What we really dig about the old ‘dozers are the cable systems used to raise and lower the blades. We’re not sure what year that hydraulics came into vogue, but these machines, with their exoskeletons and pulleys look pretty neat.

The biggest bulldozer of the group was a 1944 Allis Chalmers HD7. The coolest part about it (outside of the military history it seems to have) was the Detroit Diesel 3-cylinder diesel engine. The blower was hanging off the side, right out in the breeze. We don’t know if this one was ever used in a war zone during WWII or after it, but it looks capable of moving a lot of dirt. It too, had the big cable system.

The Huber wheeled road grader was something that we’d never seen before and the Hercules engine under the cowl, along with the explosed linkages and moving parts really stopped us in our tracks to gawk.

Here’s a load of photos, showing the small, but totally rad collection of heavy (literally) American iron!

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection 

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique bulldozer collection

Antique Ford dump truck 

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8 thoughts on “Roadside Find: A Cool Collection of Vintage Bulldozers and Equipment

  1. sam pearson

    I might get one but i cant go to the pub. Im only 6 years old. I’ll see if me teacher will get one an go to the pub 😛

  2. Joe Bin Laden

    i like the bulldozer. me from pakistan an we hav law that u must hav bull dozer. i does not say muc inglish so i cant say much

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