
the car junkie daily magazine.


Can A Couple Of Kids Do An Oil Change? Watch And Find Out In This Latest Video From Flying Sparks Garage. Could You Have Done Better At Their Age?

Can A Couple Of Kids Do An Oil Change? Watch And Find Out In This Latest Video From Flying Sparks Garage. Could You Have Done Better At Their Age?

Emily and Aaron do fun stuff on their YouTube channels, and are awesome people in real life as well. They can often be found at events with their niece and other family members’ kids because they are the cool aunt and uncle that everyone wants to hang out with! And anyone familiar with their channels knows that they sometimes have them in their build videos, but what about actually putting them to work? Well, that’s exactly what Emily has done, to see just how effective it is to put kids on an oil change. This should be fun to watch.

Now I don’t think Jiffy Lube is going to be running out looking for kids to hire after this, #childlaborlaws and all that, but it certainly brings back memories of me working under the car with my dad when I was a kid. I remember oil changes, bleeding brakes, brake jobs, etc. But I grew up with a dad who worked on our own cars on the weekends, after working on cars all week as a mechanic, and a grandpa who owned an auto shop and worked on cars all week as well. I spent every day off school with my grandpa so it was all just the norm for me. But how about you? When did you learn how to do things like an oil change on your own?

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