
the car junkie daily magazine.


Best Of 2015: That’s Not A Tool, That’s A Brick: The Best Video Of Karma Paying Back A Car Prowler You’ll Ever See

Best Of 2015: That’s Not A Tool, That’s A Brick: The Best Video Of Karma Paying Back A Car Prowler You’ll Ever See

(Editor’s Note: And the “Dumbass Of The Year” award goes to…this guy. -McTaggart)

You have to be pretty low to find yourself using rocks to break into cars to steal whatever’s inside. More often than not, though, the thief gets away with it and the owner of the car is left to find shattered glass and missing items. It’s a sickening position to be in, so for anyone who’s been the victim of a smash-and-grab, here’s a little bit of poetic justice for you. This CCTV footage from Northeastern Ireland captured all of it. Pub owner Gerry Brady and a friend came out to his Mercedes E-class and found a man lying on the ground next to the car, injured and claiming that he had been attacked. But when the man became insistent that the Gardaí (police) or an ambulance not be called, Brady’s friend became suspicious, and soon noticed that the Mercedes had been damaged. The footage tells the tale: the perp had been busy working when he came across the Mercedes. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts with a large rock, he disappears, only to return with a brick and motivation. “Try, try and try again” led up to one of the best scenes of karma caught on camera recently: Our criminal friend throws the brick at the Mercedes’ passenger window with all of the force he can muster, and the brick bounces right off of the window and knocks the dumbass out cold. Brady told the Irish Examiner, “I’ll give him this — he was determined, he had three separate goes at it.”

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9 thoughts on “Best Of 2015: That’s Not A Tool, That’s A Brick: The Best Video Of Karma Paying Back A Car Prowler You’ll Ever See

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Northern Ireland?

    That would mean he’d be flopping around without any kneecaps by now then – the feckin’ eedgit!

  2. oldguy

    2 thoughts –
    had a window smashed in the the mid70’s in 72 ford van
    the idiot used the mirror to do it , took a $10 FM converter after
    cutting the antenna lead – now had $0 paper weight – asshole!!
    insurance paid for the window but not the mirror glass they were
    screwing us back then !

    There is ‘stupidest criminals ‘ video out there that shows a cinder block
    vrs Lexan storefront window – jewelry shop kept getting hit w/ S+G’s
    and switched from glass to lexan
    The DB throws the block two hands over head – window bows and
    shoots the block directly back which flat sides the DB across the fore head
    As Pat Travers would say —–BOOM BOOM —- OUT GO THE LIGHTS

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