Sunday night, January 10, the History Channel will debut “Madhouse,” a reality series based around the racing and personalities at Bowman Gray Stadium in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The track is the oldest weekly operating NASCAR sanctioned track in the country and has been operating for nearly 62 years. It is a quarter mile bullring that, from the photos and video we have seen, really packs them in on a weekly basis.
We’re 100% sure that there will be plently of the typical reality TV schlock involved, but hey, it’s winter, this is racing, and there’s bound to be some craziness that’ll be entertaining. The facility itself looks to be a real throwback and just due to its sheer longevity we’re guessing that anyone and everyone in the history of NASCAR has made laps there.
The show will focus on the competitors racing Modifieds, which are the oldest class of race cars that NASCAR sanctions. At least one of the featured racers on the show is a full time employee of a top level NASCAR team and he works in the suspension department at his day job.
The History Channel has a snappy website for the show with tons of preview video and introductions to some of the key players. We’ll be watching, will you?
Thanks to Jeremy George for the tip!
LINK: Madhouse on The History Channel