
the car junkie daily magazine.

No Prep Drag Racing Photos From Maple Grove: Even The Cold Can’t Stop These No Prep Racers From Giving It Their All

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) I hate the cold weather. That probably sounds pretty ridiculous coming from a lifelong resident of the Northeast region of the United States, but as I get older the...

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2025 NHRA GatorNationals Action Photos: David Whealon Brought Us Plenty Of Action Shots Despite The Weekend’s Weather

(Photos by David Whealon) – NHRA Drag Racing at the Gatornationals was off the hook yet again in 2025! The week started with record breaking performances in testing, and ended with big wins and...

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Love them or hate them, but Rat Rods nearly always garner a ton of attention at events. These things are incredibly polarizing, and I think part of the reason is that people tend to build them so...

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Inside The AJ Henriksen’s Garage Race Car Collection: Massive Private Vintage Museum From NASCAR to Trans Am and More!

I’ve been fortunate enough to see some pretty cool private car collections over the years, so when there are collection owners willing to let someone share them on the internet I always like to...

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Weighted Impact Socket Testing: Will The Biggest Be The Baddest? Back to Back to Back Testing

The impact wrench wars have really gotten crazy in the last few years, whether cordless or air, and with that craze has also come some new accessories to make them even more powerful. Weighted...

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March Meet 2025 Drag Racing Video: AA/Fuel Altered Eliminator – Full Eliminations Drag Racing Video From Famoso Dragstrip

While we wish we had been at the March Meet to livestream all the racing action like we did back in the day, we have to happy to have some video coverage from several friends like The Monday Morning...

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Bangshift Feature: Tasca Ford’s Mod Shop Upholds A Long Legacy of Ford Performance

There are few car dealerships in the country that are recognized by gearheads from coast to coast. The great high-performance dealers from the 1960s and 1970s are largely remembered for the golden...

eBay Pick: 1957 Chevy Sedan Delivery

This week’s eBay find is a totally awesome 1957 Chevy sedan delivery. According to our research, this is one of 8,300 examples constructed by Chevy in 1957. These cars were extremely popular in...

Photo Gallery: The John Force Racing Holiday Car Show

You out-of-towners may not believe this, but it actually rained in SoCal this weekend. That made us worry that there would be a small turnout at the annual John Force Racing Holiday Car Show, but the...

BangShift.com Tributes the Americans Who Lost Their Lives 68 Years Ago Today

Today is the 68th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Please remember the 2,388* Americans who lost their lives that day, 1,177 of them onboard the USS Arizona. It’s also time...

Monday Time Killer and Wallet Drainer: Affordable Project Cars Site

Normally, a Monday Time Killer is meant to burn a few hours at the desk on Monday morning. This time, you could get drawn into a much worse time killer if you fall for one of the affordable project...

Photo Gallery: NHRA Museum Christmas Cruise Night

Say want you want about California, but our cruise season ends December 2nd with the Christmas Cruise at the NHRA Motorsports Museum and picks up again like 20 minutes later. BangShift member Newell...

Boring NASCAR Champ Not Looking Too Bad Right Now

With the recent disaster that has surrounded golfer Tiger Woods, columnist Jim Pedley at SportingNews.com has penned a piece about how Jimmy Johnson’s unassuming self isn’t such a bad...

The Parting Shift: A Reminder Why Actual Gearheads Prefer BangShift.com

Do any of you ever look at Jalopnik.com? It’s the web site where pseudo car guys write snarky blog items about stuff that pseudo car guys might care about. They get some good scoops on new cars...

Just Because: Original Dukes of Hazzard Bloopers

It’s hard to argue that the Dukes of Hazzard influenced every BangShifter one way or another, if only through today’s dire shortage of 1969 Chargers. Well, here’s a clip of Dukes as...

Not Bangshift Approved: The SoundRacer

We thought the fake turbo whistler tailpipe insert was the lamest thing we had ever seen. The good news for the people that make it is that they have been knocked off the top spot. The SoundRacer is...

Just When You Thought We Couldn’t Find a New Reason that Cash For Clunkers Sucks…

This dead horse just keeps kicking. The latest news on the effects of the colosal fail of Cash For Clunkers has been reported by Aftermarket News. It seems that another backfire of the program was...

Wall Street Journal Column Says GM Made the Right Move Ditching Henderson; Company Needs Culture War

Paul Ingrassia covered GM for the Wall Street Journal and earned a Pulitzer Prize for the work he did on the subject. Ingrassia has a book coming out in the near future, and yesterday he wrote a...

Massive Online Savings at Edelbrock.com

Claiming “Holiday Saving Time,” Edelbrock.com is having a blowout sale with some truly significant deals. There are diesel exhaust systems that have been whacked down under $100 and...

Not Bangshift Approved: Worst Gearhead Gift Idea List Ever

Click here to see a non-car-guy’s view of what car guys want for Christmas. The only beneficial function of this list would be to use it as a “stuff I do NOT want for...