
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Chrysler Taking Orders for 2010 Drag Pak Challengers

The Challenger Drag Pak is kind of the forgotten sister to the haul-ass Ford Cobra Jet Mustang. Chrysler is now taking orders for 2010 models and if you want one, you’d better print your order...

New Mickey Thompson Exhibit at Parks NHRA Museum Gets High Marks

Mickey Thompson, who has been called the greatest hot rodder who ever lived, is being honored through an awesome exhibit at the Wally Parks NHRA Museum. Our pal Dave Wallace was able to sneak inside...

Craigslist Find: Flamed Ice Drag Racing Snow Machine

Next weekend we’re heading to the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. It’s home to the Goldenchild Nationals, one of the premier ice snow machine drag races in the world. There are...

Carnage Video Pair: Hitting the Christmas Tree

It’s the ultimate drag racing party foul, running over the Christmas tree. Aside from being rare and usually pretty spectacular, it is a major pain in the ass for the track personnel. Once the...

World’s Smallest Procharger Supercharger

Earlier today we wrote about the new ShockWave air suspension for UTVs, and we started wondering if there was anything actually cool that can be done with one of those glorified riding lawn mowers....

Video Bonanza: Burnout Fail! (You’re Doing it Wrong)

After posting the tire explosion video earlier today, we were in the mood to find more videos of burnout related failures. As it turns out, searching for “tire explosion” on YouTube...

The History of the Detroit Autorama and the Ridler Award

The famous Detroit Autorama is coming soon to Cobo Hall on February 26-28, and BangShift Chad will be there to bring you the action. The Autorama is legendary today as a leading indoor car show, but...

Video: Ridetech Now Thrashes on UTV Suspension, Too

Our friends at BangShift.com sponsor Ridetech are always up for a good time, and “good time” at home base in Jasper, Indiana, usually means thrashing on new products and taking fun video...

Caption this photo: Under Pressure

We’ll be the first to admit that this is a weird photo. In fact, we’d rank it as one of the weirdest ones we’ve taken, but it is ripe for awesome captions. This isn’t a...

New Pro Touring Competition, Run to the Coast at El Toro, California, sponsored by Ridetech

The Optima Ultimate Street Car Invitational held right after SEMA is really kicking up the action in the world of Pro Touring fans who really like to beat on their cars. Bill Howell is a guy who...

A Site Worth Seeing: Texas Drag History and More

Once in a while when we are digging for news on the web we stumble into a great web site that makes us lose track of time for an hour or so. If we’re so dragged into the site, we figure that...

Photo Gallery: The February Long Beach Swap Meet Car Corral

It takes a lot to get us moving on a weekend morning before the sun begins to rise, but the legendary Long Beach Swap Meet is totally worth the effort. While BangShifters in most other parts of the...

Carnage Video: Camaro Ripped Open Like a Tin Can by a Tire Explosion

Imagine you innocently enter a sanctioned burnout contest and end up totalling your third-gen Camaro without ever moving an inch. That’s what happened to this guy, and his car suffered the most...

Barnstormin’: Mental Notes Just Shy of My 30th Birthday

Well, I’m facing down the reality that my 20’s are fast drawing to a close. In a day or so I’ll officially be 30 years old. That’s a fact that strikes me as both a little...