Category Archive: BangShift XL, XL Online Find

Historic Seattle Ferry Kalakala To Be Scrapped – The Story Comes To A Sad End

The MV Kalakala story began in 1933, when the ship that made up most of the hull, the Peralta, was torched in an arson fire. The superstructure of the ship was a total loss, but the hull was fine,...

Blog Fight: You Want A Cadillac Wagon? I Got An Eldorado Shooting Brake Right Here!

Fifty-seven thousand dollars is a lot of money to spend on a station wagon, Cadillac or otherwise. And while Brian was busy writing up the Castillian thinking he was going to bury the New...

Blog Fight: McTaggart’s Pontiac Wagon Is For CHUMPS! This 1976 Cadillac Castilian Wagon Is Where It’s At

Clearly McTaggart thought he was going to be the king of wagon mountain on the blog today but I have news for him. That Pontiac he found is pretty clean but let’s be honest, that thing is a...

This Is The Weirdest 1985 Pontiac Sunbird Ever – S10 Frame, Flip Nose, 350, Rear Wheel Drive!

Todd Aldridge gets the tipster credit on this one but we’re not sure we should be giving it to him. After all, how did he find it? Was he searching for S10 (normal)? Or was he searching for...

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Outside: Another Weird Mopar Swap – These Guys Pulled A Big Block For WHAT?!

So yesterday we reran McTaggart’s wild story about the Durango that someone had swapped a slant six engine into. That thing was weird enough but it looks like a top fuel car when compared to...

The Wildest S10 Ever Built Is For Sale – Eight Wheels, 12-Cylinders, 24-Spark Plugs, Unconfirmed Number Of Brain Cells

How do we know that the guys working over at MegaSquirt/ are BangShifters? Not one but TWO of them sent us tips on this thing. That’s right, Matt and Jerry…you are both...

The Infamous Dakar Rally Rolls Royce Is Up For Sale – Yes, This Rolls Competed At And Finished Dakar – There’s LOTS Of Surprises With This Tank

Like many great accomplishments and creations the world has seen over the years, this one came to life because of a friendly bet. Racer Thierry de Montcorgé, who was an established in safari rally...

Santa Forget Your Stuff? Buy One Of The Nicest A100 Trucks We Have Ever Seen On eBay – Mopar Goodness

The reality is that Dodge A100 trucks and vans on eBay tend to be one of two things. They are either (a) pretty rough and in need of lots of work or (b) all hot rodded and kind of hacked up. This...

This John Deere 317 Garden Tractor With A 2.8L GM V6 Is 100% BangShift Approved – Think It Sounds Good With Zoomies?

So as you have undoubtedly noticed, we have been running lots of “Best of 2014” blog items over the last week or so. We’re going to spice things up over the next few days before New...

Best of 2014: This 1958 Ford Two Ton Dually Project Is Awesome And Less Than A Grand Asking Price!

Never have two states starting with M been so far apart. I’m talking emotionally here folks, not physically. This truck is for sale in Montana, I live in Massachusetts. I want this thing so...

Best Of BangShift: Is This The Worst Welding Job Ever? One BangShifter Got The Job To Fix This Disaster

Last night, I was cruising the BangShift forums and came across a thread titled, “You should not be welding anything”. Naturally I was pretty interested to see what that was all about and...

This Kelderman Equipped Monster F-450 Harley Davidson Edition Could Be Yours – Bug Out In Style…While Towing Your House

While we knew that Ford’s upscale Harley Davidson edition package extended through most of its truck line we did not know that it was available on the F-450 truck that the company sells. The...

BangShift Holiday Shopping Guide: Furniture From Vintage Aircraft Parts And Official Pictures, By Boeing!

Ever wonder what happened to all of the older aircraft that have been retired? Sure, there’s plenty of them sitting in dirt lots in southern Arizona, and quite a few of them are on their fourth...

Test Your Gearhead Knowledge: Identify This Monster Cylinder Head We Spotted At PRI

We hope you have not gotten too deep into the egg nog this weekend because we’ve got a little quiz for you in the form of this monster cylinder head that we spotted at the Serdi booth at PRI...