
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: TECH, Tech Stories, Tools, Videos

The Truth About Dash Cams: What Do You Need To Spend, Do They Work, And Which Ones Offer The Best Value?

I know people who have had dash cams in their cars for years and years, but I’ve always wondered if they are something smart to have. On too many occasions to count I’ve said to myself...

Tool Testing And Tech: How to Buy Cheap Cordless Tools that Don’t Suck. There Are More Options Than You Might Think!

We show tool reviews around here all the time, and are all about comparing high end tools vs low cost alternatives, but how do you know when a cheap tool is actually worth owning? Cheap doesn’t...

Has Harbor Freight Outdone TimWelds Favorite Weld Prep Tool? Hercules Right Angle Die Grinder

We love cordless tool reviews and are well known for being all about bang for your buck around here. And who isn’t, especially nowadays. We can all agree that Milwaukee is a premier cordless...

Weighted Impact Socket Testing: Will The Biggest Be The Baddest? Back to Back to Back Testing

The impact wrench wars have really gotten crazy in the last few years, whether cordless or air, and with that craze has also come some new accessories to make them even more powerful. Weighted...

The Best Wrench Ever Tested! 20 Adjustable Wrenches Tested – Can Harbor Freight Make The Snap-On Version Look Like A Kid’s Toy?

We love tools around here, and tool testing in particular really does it for us. When Project Farm and the Torque Test Channel test tools we rarely miss the opportunity to share them with you guys....

Cool Tool: Hold My Extension and Watch This! The ICON 10″ Speed Collar. What A Great Tool. I Need This!

I certainly don’t claim to know every tool on the planet, but this one here is something I’ve never seen. If you are like me, you tend to hold onto the extension when removing lug nuts...

The Milwaukee M18 FHIWF1R-122C Get’s Tested: This Is A Railroad Specific Impact Wrench Which You Probably Don’t Know About

We get so used to using the tools we are used to in the garage or shop, but many of us never realize that there are a bunch of specialty tools that we’ve never seen or heard about. I remember...

You Should Dyno Your Car, BUT Here’s How to Avoid a Hub Dyno Disaster – Horrifying Video Breakdown

I’m a huge fan of dyno testing engines, or of using a chassis dyno for tuning. A hub dyno is just another variation on the chassis dyno and is a great tuning tool as well. Thousands and...

Finally! A Budget Universal Joint Impact Adapter That’s Indestructible! Who’s Works Best For The Money?

There is a difference between price and value. I just had this conversation with a friend of mine last night, when we were talking about hardware stores. Sometimes the value of an item is about that...

DIY Fabrication: DIY Welding Table Fixture Clamps That Will Make Your Life Easier, And Won’t Break The Bank

Clamps are one of those tools that we never appreciate, but miss like hell when we don’t have any. Whether it is because you have used up all the ones you have already and need more, or because...

Tech Tips: Did You Know That You Might Be Using Your Thread Locker Wrong? Or Using The Wrong Loctite In General!

Thread locker, regardless of brand, is often referred to as Loctite because it is the most widely recognized brand out there. It’s like Kleenex. But regardless of which brand you go with, using...

MAKING A Wood HAMMER Formed Firewall: Part 2 – DIY Hammer Forming Because BEADROLLING Can’t Do THIS!

Hammer forming is one of the oldest forms of precision sheet metal forming. It’s how many early car body panels were made, and is the process that led to stamping of sheet metal parts. But the...

Why Does This Help Your Flap Disc Grind Better? Tips And Tricks To Get More Life Out Of Glazed Up Flap Discs

We recently ran a whole series on grinding discs where Fireball Tool tested more than 40 different ones to see who’s are actually best. Do the cheap ones compare? Do the high dollar ones really...

Checking Main Bearing Clearances: Big Block Building 101 – Squarebody Stuff Keeps Rolling On The 454 Big Block Chevy For Project Creampuff.

Chad from Squarebody Stuff has got a .060 over 454 block that he is planning to do a full rebuild on for a project, and the next step is checking bearing clearance for the mains. Check it out and let...