
the car junkie daily magazine.



Rabbit Video Extravaganza: In Their Natural Habitat, Jumping In The Snow…

We had to save what may be the best snow jump ever, for last. In fact, we are certain that we have never seen a better snow jump. Which is somehow fitting since Rabbits haul ass in the snow and jump...

Video: Volkswagen Rabbit… The Brian Lohnes Edition… Available At John Deere Dealers Near You.

If the TRAR Rabbit got you excited, then check this one out. BangShift.com is proud to announce that through a special relationship with John Deere, Brian Lohnes Edition Volkswagen Rabbits will now...

Watch The 48 Hour Camaro Take On The Gas Monkey Garage Guys In A Donut Cutting Contest!

Spoiler alert — The dudes from Ridetech and the 48 Hour Camaro are going to be on an upcoming episode of the gearhead show Fast n’ Loud. As is usually the case at the Gas Monkey Garage,...

Funny Video: The Unnecessarily Complex and Dangerous Russian Way to Start a Car With a Dead Battery

Pop starting a stick shift car with a dead battery is like BangShift 101. Hell, both Chad and I have owned vehicles that ONLY started this way for months at a time. I used to park my truck in college...

Video: We Test Snow Tires At Miller Motorsports Park With NITTO! Pants Mandatory.

Last week when I left town for Salt Lake City to attend the Nitto Winter Ride N Drive media event, I was wearing my typical Dickies shorts, flip flops and a BangShift.com shirt. I had an extra change...

Things You Don’t See Every Day: We’re Not Sure What To Call It, But The Reverse Wheelies Look Way Too Fun

The title of the video calls this thing a wipkar, and we aren’t sure if it’s British or Redneck fabrication that created it. We say that, because the hunters of the south are very well...

BangShift Saturday Movie Day: Lee Majors Kicks Ass In An Electric Wheelchair And The Iconic Fall Guy Truck

Since we had such a great response to the weekend content we ran before the live broadcast of the PSCA Ice Breaker Nationals, we’re going to make a habit of it. I’m clearly going to own...

Video: Watch A 1962 Ford Truck With A Twin Turbo Y-Block Motor Make 606hp At The Tire And More Than 700 lb/ft Of Torque!

Holy smokes! Who the hell needs a diesel when you can strap a couple of turbos on built, e85 fed 292 Y-Block Ford mill and make insane power and torque. Wrap this monster package up with the body and...

Watch The World’s Quickest And Fastest Street Legal Hearse Run 10.70s and Fry The Tires For Miles!

This video serves as more proof that horsepower can cure all ills. The guys at AMS Performance in Wisconsin took a mid 1990s Chevy Caprice hearse built by Superior Coachworks and stuffed it full of...

Video: Watch An Evo Pop On The Dyno And Firehose The Cell (Including the Camera)

We’re not running this video as a goof on a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution as we think those cars are pretty tough little customers. The 2.0L four cylinder engines in them can make huge power with...

Video: Watch The Staff Of Hot Rod Squirt New Life Onto Freiburger’s Old Impala – Backyard Paint Job!

We’re guessing that most of you remember Freiburger’s old Impala convertible that was wrapped with vinyl flames and was pretty much universally hated. That is one we’re guessing...

Video: The Most Insane And Hilarious Russian Dash Cam Footage We Have Ever Seen

Thanks to BangShift tipster Ray Johnson we have the greatest Russian dash cam video ever. It features angry Russians, bad driving, and intentional malicious damage to another car. This thing is...

Nitro Video: Watch A Top Fuel Bike Fire Up And Rip Off A Burnout….INSIDE THE SHOP!

I’ve often thought that the men and women who race Top Fuel motorcycles are all part of a small group of escaped mental patients that somehow fell into the same hobby. Seriously, to see one of...

Video: Watch The Infamous Ice Monster Camaro Tear Around A Frozen Swedish Lake Road Course!

Over the last few years we have showed you several videos of this gnarly, dented, pissed off, and well worn second generation Camaro in Sweden. Known as the “Ice Monster” this car is...