I’ve been wanting to build my own paint booth and paint a car for years, and I have a car that is in serious need of a color change and some fresh paint so when I saw this latest video from Finnegan I was both jealous and inspired. Yes, you can be both. You’ll see that Finnegan and Newbern make this paint booth with regular stuff. There is nothing fancy and unobtainable here. With that said, my plans call for a little bit different main structure than he uses but otherwise they are nearly identical. If you’d like to see us paint a car in a home built paint booth, then let me know and we’ll get on it.
What you’ll dig about this video is the fact that, as usual, these two walk us through the thought process, the build process, any tough decisions, and finally spraying paint on the body. I hope this is the start of Finnegan painting more stuff in his driveway, because I think it would be pretty entertaining. For some reason I feel like they should hand Cotten the paint gun and let him go to town. He’s an artist after all, or so he says.
Not like finding a cure for cancer…