From decrepit swamp island to the paint booth, with the color mixed and ready for shooting…the restoration of the 1985 Pontiac Fiero that Ronald Finger dragged out from the woods is coming to a close. In a way, that’s a bit sad, because it’s been neat to see how someone who isn’t that into cars has turned into a more involved gearhead that a good many people I’ve met who claim to be the all-seeing, all-knowing. He’s gone over every ounce of this car, a cast-off 1980s throwback that was half brilliant idea, half committee meeting gone sour, and has left no part unchecked, no surface unclean, no system unchecked. By the time he’s done, regardless of his opinion on the subject, he will have a car that will not only be one of the best of the breed, but he will have the added pride of doing everything himself, out of his barn, with his own two hands. I haven’t done that. Have you? I’m still coming to terms with basic systems that many think I know everything about, let alone in-depth restoration work.
In the latest update to the Fiero revival, it’s time to get some color on all of the removable body panels. It’s time for the car to go back to that flashy red that it was when it rolled off the lot in the hands of an excited owner thirty-five years ago. It’s time…well, let’s be quite fair: it’s time for Ronald to upgrade his sawhorse situation. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you see what happens. And you’ll understand his reaction fully, with no judgement whatsoever.